• Please pray with us while the mission team is in Poland right now. They are on our hearts right now and we are hoping that the trip is going well. Pray that they will be able to show God’s love to everyone they encounter and that the Lord will speak through each member of the team.
  • Please be praying for one of our members who is very sick right now. The doctors are treating him but are seeing no improvement in the tumor on his neck. He is going through treatment though so we are staying positive and are hoping to see some changes soon. Our staff will be visiting him next week to gather around and pray over him. Pray that the Lord is with the doctors and nurses as they are treating him.
  • And continue praying as we are getting closer to the holidays and planning for some great events! Pray that the planning and preparation for our Light the Night Halloween event goes smoothly!


  • John and Christin Mueth have welcomed their third child (and first daughter) Olivia Mueth on October 17. Christin and Olivia are healthy and they are looking forward to spending some time at home with the boys. Please pray for plenty of rest, joy, and easy transition into being a family of 5 in the coming months.
  • We have a BIG praise! Forty to fifty percent of our attendees are in a Home Group and seventy to eighty percent of our attendees are currently serving in some capacity on Sunday mornings. This is a huge testament to their willingness and desire to serve Jesus and continue growing in their relationships with Him. We are so grateful to have an amazing church family!


  • Paul has also battled substance abuse for many years. He goes through cycles of being sober and falling back into his old way of life. Pray again for God’s strength to pull him through. Pray also for his marriage and for perseverance.
  • Mike and Mark are two brothers, who have each struggled with addiction in the past. They  started coming to SouthPointe a few years ago. However, they have pulled away in the last year. Pray that God would open a door for them to return.
  • There seems to be a presence of spiritual warfare attacking several marriages at SouthPointe. Please pray for healing and reconciliation. 


  • “Please pray for Connie. They recently found a mass in her colon and she will be having surgery soon. Pray they can remove the mass, it isn’t cancer, and she heals quickly.”
  • “Please pray for the four families that made the commitment to spiritually lead their children at our Child Dedication this past Sunday. May God push them to model the lifestyle and change they hope for their children.”
  • “Please pray for Leeann, she is fairly new in her faith and is exploring what it means to follow Jesus. She is currently serving on the First Impressions Team and attending a M.O.P.S group at BridgePointe. Pray that she will be open to surrendering her life to Jesus in the coming months.”


  • Thank God for Josh and Bianca, two close friends, living out their faith with integrity and a love for God’s word. They have only attended NP for a few weeks, but they have already signed up to go on a mission trip to serve hurricane survivors and asked to serve. Two other new families are stepping up to serve too.


  • Thank God for PRAY.COM, a prayer AP, which has helped 31 (so far) NP stay in touch WITH God and WITH each other.  Multiple prayer requests and prayers offered throughout the day for concerns of the church. Prayer pulls the church closer to one another and keeps us plugged into the transformative power of God. The emphasis on prayer seems to have created more written prayer requests on Sundays via the Connect Cards too.


  • Pray for Ken who visited with us last week both in worship and men’s small group. He has suffered under the legalism of a conservative Christian group and the loss of a marriage.  Pray that he can make meaningful connections within NP and find healthy boundaries in service.


  • Thank God that Libby, who attends another of the Pointe churches, brought her friend Erik to worship at NP this last week. Pray for the conversation that we scheduled for later this week.


  • Plans are being made to launch a fifth small group to accommodate the work schedules of people who are not able to participate right now.


  • Thank God for friends who have rejoined us after an absence. Pray that God will continue to call people to return to him and the worship gatherings.


  • Ask God to facilitate meaning conversations via the Trick-or-Trunk outreach event on Saturday Oct 28. The Lincoln YMCA sponsors the event with each of our home groups and the student ministries decorating a trunk. We will also man a craft table inside the Y.


  • The leadership team decided to give up our office space to lessen the strain on our budget. A couple of families have offered their home for worship practice and student ministries until God makes it clear where we should be.


  • Joey had given up on the Church and lost confidence in people, but experienced a time of refreshment watching NP serve a person in need. Since that time, we have talked on the phone, but not connected. He remains conflicted wanting faith, but fearing that the way it has been is how it has to be. Pray that faith will overcome fear enough to have a faith-conversation and hearing of God’s love will persuade him to take the next step of faith.
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