“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4

We rejoice with the many baptisms reported this month in the Polish churches. Pictured are baptisms from the Płock, Biala Podlaska, and Garwolin congregations.
May God continue to change lives to His glory!


We join Pastor Andrzej Hara and the congregation in Grudziadz in giving thanks to God for their new church building. This September they hosted a special thanksgiving service as they dedicated the facility to God and His purposes.
Thanks be to God for His faithful provision!

Adam Bronowicki (son of Pastor Henryk Bronowicki) was ordained into the ministry this past month in Biala Podlaska. It’s exciting to watch as the next generation of leaders rise up to serve the church. Congratulations, Adam! May God bless you as you heed God’s call on your life.

Congratulations to the congregation in Bielsk Podlaski who recently celebrated
50 years of serving their city and proclaiming the name of Jesus!

Building Projects Fund

We’re on our way toward reaching our goal but there’s still a ways to go. As of September 30, PCM has received $63,000.00 toward our targeted amount of $175,000. These funds go toward the nine building/renovation projects currently underway in our Polish churches.
Please join us in praying and consider donating so the needed funds will be in hand by the end of 2018. We are thankful for the growth occurring in several of our churches and the need for more space. We trust God to provide so that His church will continue to grow and reach out to the people of Poland.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for …
Adela Bajko and her familyMay God bring comfort, peace, and hope to those who are grieving. Adela is very thankful for all the cards, phone calls, and prayers sent her way.
Adam and Basia Kosewscy. Basia’s mother, Anna Krystyna Gonet, passed away September 13 after a long battle with cancer.
Andrzej Ostrowski as he goes to rehab and recovers from a stroke suffered in April.
…a new pastor for the church in Koszalin and funds to support him.
…additional funds for these churches: Bialogard ($700), Katowice ($450), Kolobrzeg ($450), Lidzbark Warminski ($600), Lodz ($600), and Siemiatycze ($750).
…the teams from Christ’s Church (Jacksonville, FL) and OceanPointe CC (Middletown, RI), as they serve in Poland this month.  
Dave and Sandy – October/November schedule:
Sept. 27/28 — Flight to Warsaw
Sept 30-October 7 — Olsztyn, Poland, with Christ’s Church (Jacksonville, FL)
Oct 1 — church in Olsztyn, Poland
Oct 8 — Warsaw West, Poland
Oct 8-18 — Sosnowiec, Poland, with OceanPointe Christian Church (Middletown, RI)
Oct 15 — church in Sosnowiec, Poland
Oct 20-22 — Ostrodek H20 in Kiczyce, Poland – CSM celebrating 10 years of ministry
Oct 25 — ELI training session
Oct 30 — Return flight to States
Nov 9-10 — PCM Board meeting – Church of Christ at Manor Woods (Rockville, MD)
Nov 10-12 — ECC at Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA (50th Anniversary)
Nov 16-19 — ICOM in Peoria, IL
Nov 19 — College Park Christian Church, Bloomington, IL
If your church is interested in having PCM come to your congregation in 2017-2018,
please contact David at his new email address (dave.hatfield777@gmail.com) or call him at810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone).

All donations to Polish Christian Ministries
should be sent to our new address:
Donations may also be made via our website:
www.pcmusa.org Click on: Ways to Give
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226 (US iPhone) (48) 578 496 569 (PL iPhone)
         Polish Christian Ministries | 410-688-3294 | pcm@pcmusa.org |  www.pcmusa.org  

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