Travelin’ Miles:  Loving Jesus!
September 2017
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Loving Jesus!

Dear family and friends,

“Could we love Jesus that much?”

These were the words of Steven Dazim, as the Aruamu Old Testament team neared the completion of the exegetical check of the Aruamu translation of the Song of Solomon.  Over the last few years we have researched carefully, understanding the various perspectives on the book. 

Many scholars over the last 3,000 years have viewed it as an allegory of God’s relationship with his chosen people, the Jews.  Many scholars have focused on the fact that the books is obviously about love between a man and a woman.  King Solomon was declaring his love for a beautiful Shulamite maiden – and all the passionate drama they go through in their relationship. Married love is good and is sanctioned by God.  The inclusion of this book in the cannon, with its very vivid imagery is no accident.  That is one way to read the book. Many Christian scholars have, in light of New Testament revelation, look at it as referring to Jesus and his bride, the Church.  Song of Songs can also be read to refer to the deep love-relationship between Jesus and the INDIVIUAL BELIEVER.  Many scholars have read it that way.

As our translation team worked through the many levels of checking the text of the book in Aruamu,  Aruamu translator Steven Dazim’s take-away was:  “Ahhh!  Could we love Jesus that much?”

We are very happy that the Song of Solomon is now entirely through the translation process, and approved for publication.  (This marks the completion of book number 56, out of 66 Old Testament books. Praise God!) Steven Dazim says that, when the team is ready to record the dramatic reading of book, that he and his wife Watarak want to be the ones to read the parts of Solomon and the Shulamite maiden!

Speaking of weddings, our daughter Brigette Relyea and Quentin Schubert just got married, September 15. We were so thrilled to be able to travel to Australia for their lovely wedding.  Brigette and Quentin will be making their home in Melbourne, Australia.

I just got back yesterday from speaking at the Cherry Hill Arkansas Women’s Retreat – a wonderful event with beautiful sisters in Christ.  They chose a GREAT theme: “The Beauty of Jesus.”  In one of my messages, I focused on looking at Jesus through the eyes of His passionate bride, using the Song of Solomon as my text.  How I love that picture!

I keep asking myself the same question as Steven Dazim asked:  “Could we love Jesus that much?”  May this be the aim of our lives!

(for Nathan, as well)