Brigada Today 2017/09/24
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) Get Trained to Work Among Muslims While Networking with Others
Jump to…2) Christian Prayer Resources
Jump to…3) Applied Linguistics Training in Southern California
Jump to…4) One Way to Start a Spiritual Conversation with a Muslim Neighbor
Jump to…5) Someone Prayed for Us This Week — Because of a Prayer App
Jump to…6) “Shine” Prayercast Song has Haunting Images and Psalm 67 Message
Jump to…7) Parenting book: Give Your Kids a Break:
Jump to…8) Pre-Order a Free Travel Medical Guide from Good Neighbor Insurance
Jump to…9) Powerful Missions Mobilization Video for Your Next Sermon/Rally?
Jump to…10) Yay! Saudi Women Can Drive!
Jump to…11) Curious About What Will Happen with North Korea?
Jump to…12) Web Hosting in West Africa
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: We Need to Read the Terms Before we Act
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Get Trained to Work Among Muslims While Networking with Others


Muslims are more open to the gospel than you might believe. In fact, in the last ten years, more Muslims have come to faith in Christ than in the last 15 centuries combined. Are you ready to help? Register for Horizons International’s Legacy Conference: Liberty to the Captives, May 31-June 2, 2018 at Reach International Church, in Dearborn, Michigan. Learn from an all-star line-up of speakers with an incredible range of Muslim ministry experience, knowledge, and practical application: Amani Mostafa, Georges Houssney, Jay Smith, Mark Durie, and others. If you have a heart to reach the nations for Christ, Legacy 2018 is for you. Legacy 2016 was the largest conference ever with over 530 people attending. Register (early bird pricing until January 1st 2018) and learn more at…

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2) Christian Prayer Resources

Christian Prayer Resources is a website which serves up books for adults, books on prayer for children, articles, prayer ministries, prayer guides, prayer organizations, prayer fellowships, online books on prayer, prayer mobilizers, women’s prayer organizations, Spanish books on prayer, seminars, dvds, audio, prayer advice, tips and more.
Visit Christian Prayer Resources at

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3) Applied Linguistics Training in Southern California

Language is at the heart of cross-cultural ministry. If you need broad applied linguistics training with specialized classes that will prepare you to work in Bible translation, literacy, Scripture in use, or TESOL, Biola University’s M.A. in Applied Linguistics may be the program for you! See contact info below for more information: or visit

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4) One Way to Start a Spiritual Conversation with a Muslim Neighbor


This past week, we received a note from a pastor of an Arabic-speaking church in the Mediterranean region. The story was about a Christian worker in North Africa who regularly goes to public places and sits beside Muslims then opens his phone to a Christian radio station and listens in the Muslim’s presence. Recently, a Muslim sitting next to him asked, “What is that program?” The conversation started and the Christian worker was not shy to share His faith. The pastor wanted to remind us that anyone can use this approach. All he has to do is download the app…
Asdikaa Al Maghribe
It’s a great way to start conversations, according to this pastor, whom we will leave unnamed to protect his security.

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5) Someone Prayed for Us This Week — Because of a Prayer App


Thanks to David, who remembered us in prayer this week, thanks to an app on his phone called,…

It looks like a great app, but it does indeed require you to surrender your address book to the app. You know, we have a bit of a problem doing this, because of the number of workers we know who are living in sensitive places. We feel we owe them a debt of mutual security. But if your own situation is different, this might be a workable app for you to remember others in prayer.

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6) “Shine” Prayercast Song has Haunting Images and Psalm 67 Message


Want to teach your church, group, or family the meaning of Psalm 67? This would certainly help us memorize the missions-inspired chapter, too. This past week at Missio Nexus, we worshipped with the guy who put it together. His faith, hope, and devotion to God were inspiring. You’ll love “Shine” — and God will love it that you’re singing it.

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7) Parenting book: Give Your Kids a Break:


Kim Fredrickson, author and former counselor, has a new book, Give Your Kids a Break: Parenting with Compassion for You and Your Children. It’s slated to be released on 10/24/17. But the digital version is already available to pre-order now for only $2.99 (regular price 8.99). Everyone cares deeply about little (and big) ones. When we don’t know how, we may default to blaming, shaming, and bashing. The good news is there is another way.

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8) Pre-Order a Free Travel Medical Guide from Good Neighbor Insurance


Here’s a free “Travel Medical Guide” from Good Neighbor Insurance. You pre-order a copy by emailing .
It’s said to be 50+ pages with medical advice for travelers. Some might really appreciate the explanation, especially if their new travelers. And the folks at Good Neighbor Insurance really are good neighbors.

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9) Powerful Missions Mobilization Video for Your Next Sermon/Rally?


Our good friends at Catalyst drew our attention to …

It’s a great missions mobilization video and it’s free – with no solicitations. Four minutes is just a TAD long for today’s audience, but they keep it fast-paced. Thanks Catalyst! (Learn more about Missions Catalyst at

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10) Yay! Saudi Women Can Drive!


Can you believe it?

Of course, they still need permission from their male guardian to work or travel. But hey, progress is progress. : )

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11) Curious About What Will Happen with North Korea?


So are we. So is practically everyone? If it comes to war, it could be ugly. Here’s what some experts at the BBC came up with:

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12) Web Hosting in West Africa


Here’s a faithful Brigada participant who will be conducting a communications-visual storytelling seminar in West Africa in November and he knows the question will come up about churches and ministries that use Social Media and have their own web sites. So my question is, do ministries in West Africa use local web (webbing?) hosting services, and if so, which are the best ones with reasonable fees? If not, what are the alternatives? Any leads? Just please click “Comment” following the web version of this item. Thanks for any help you can give.

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13) We’re Grateful for…


… Horizons International’s Legacy Conference: Liberty to the Captives, May 31-June 2, 2018 at Reach International Church, in Dearborn, Michigan. The conference sent $100 this past week to speed Brigada on its way. Learn more and register at…

… the folks at Christian Prayer Resources, who sent $50 this past week. God bless you! They’re building an amazing group of resources at…

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14) The Last Bit: We Need to Read the Terms Before we Act


At Missio Nexus, we were impressed by the speakers who were using…

to allow audience members to respond to a talk anonymously. The speaker just puts the link on the screen and waits for feedback from the audience.

But there was a fairly big-time caveat: The downside of this app is that it captures every single phone number for to use for spam. Bummer. In their privacy policy, kind of pledges to be mild “unless their assets are sold or acquired,” which could legally be interpreted as — they could always sell the list of phone numbers, right? Bummer. It was such a great concept. The great lesson we learn from apps like this: Read the terms. Every time. Every paragraph. Take nothing for granted. Because — now, those speakers who meant well have lured all those cell phone users to give up their personal information. So sad.

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15) Subscription Information


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