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3 Biblical Prayers

To Inspire Your Missional Intercession

So, you’re praying that the Gospel will reach into every tongue, tribe, and nation? Maybe you’d like to take some inspiration from these Old Testament prayers that reveal God’s heart through His people.

Here are 3 prayers that you can use as you pray for God to be glorified throughout the world!

Which Three Biblical Prayers Do We Mean? Find out here!

Dreams & Visions

This month, we explored some of the stories that Team Expansion’s workers are experiencing with the seekers and believers whose journey started with a dream.

An entire village dreamed together, leading them to seek out the Truth. A wolf prowls through the dreams of a new believer. One woman used to dream about Jesus, but now she brings others to Him.


Featured Opportunity

Teammates in E Asia
A team in E Asia is looking for teammates to help them equip and mobilize local churches in their area.

They also hope to mobilize prayer and catalyze church planting among remote unreached people groups.

But they need help. Is God calliing you to join them?

For information about this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Pray With Us

Praise God for the ways He is revealing Himself to seekers, even in the dreams of men and women who have never heard of Him.

Pray that there would be churches and believers available when those dreamers look for answers to the questions brought up in their dreams. May God be known!

Ask God to send workers into the fields that are ripe for harvest. Pray that He equips and sustains those willing to go and tell His Good News.


Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion


Planet Watch

Should Christians care about the planet? By all means. God created it (Gen. 1:1), then put humans in charge of caring for it (Gen 2:15). His Word clearly models concern even for the animals that inhabit it (Proverbs 12:10). We here at Emerald Hills don’t worship the earth, but we certainly do feel a responsibility to guard it from unnecessary abuse.

So how has this played out in the development of our training base and International Services Center at Emerald Hills? Here are just three examples:

  • All our heating and cooling (even in the Freedom Barn, our workshop and storage building) is done with geothermal. This technology uses deep earthen temperatures to carry out its operations, thereby taking advantage of heating and cooling methods that don’t depend on gas or oil. In fact, there are no fossil fuels whatsoever burned in heating Emerald Hills.
  • Our septic system utilizes prairie plants to consume the waste flushed down our toilets and drains. “Redemption Prairie” consists of deep-rooted prairie plants that thrive on the effluent that is metered through our holding tanks. As a result, you’ll find no open lagoons, no “wands,” no pits or noisy motors and best of all, zero odor in operating our septic system, even though it is approved for use by 220 people living and working regularly on our property at a time. The system is near-magical in its cleanliness and operation flow.
  • We take special care of our waste water run-off. Each and every non-permeable surface including each rooftop) drains carefully into underground french drains or drain curtains, all of which channel into our ponds, providing abundant water for wildlife and beauty. In the pond itself, aerators and fountains help purify the water, thereby keeping the property beautiful while providing a safe and healthy habitat for fish, animals, AND future missionaries for unreached people groups and cities around the world.
May God bless the carrying out of His will among His people. And may he keep Emerald Hills as pure as it is beautiful.

If you’d like to help Emerald Hills as a prayer partner, a volunteer, or as a donor, just please send your name, email and of address to our Mobilization Department at

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: July 2017

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Multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached