packing meals for everyone. everywhere.
Lifeline rice & bean meal
Responding with meals for Texas
As you have seen on the news, families in Texas are struggling with unprecedented rains from Hurricane Harvey.  The storm is flooding homes, forcing families to evacuate, and setting record rainfalls.  We are working with churches and organizations to distribute shelf-stable rice & bean meals to the impacted regions. 
You can show your love and support for these families through a warm meal! 
Donate meals
When you give a donation, you enable nutritious rice & bean meals to be packaged on your behalf by volunteers.  We are working with churches and organizations to distribute these packaged, shelf-stable meals to the impacted regions. 

Your donation of any size makes a difference!  For example:

$10 provides 50 meals
$25 provides 125 meals
$50 provides 250 meals
$100 provides 500 meals
$250 provides 1,250 meals
$500 provides 2,500 meals
Host a meal pack event
Gather a group to package these rice & bean meals!  This is a great project for churches, community groups, schools, coworkers, and girl/boy scouts.  

Your group provides the site, volunteers, event promotion, tables and electricity, along with donations to cover the food and packing materials.  We bring the materials and staff to lead your event.  There is no minimum or maximum event size. 

Contact BenMatt, or Will for more details and to schedule your event!

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