Lifeline Christian Mission
Dear Reggie, 

It’s amazing what God can do through a community of believers who lean into His vision and mission!

As we shared last week, summers are financially difficult for ministries.  We have implemented a long-term financial plan and made cost saving decisions, but takes time for these changes to take effect.  As our resources dwindled, we reached out to you, our donors, to fill the $90,000 gap.  
We are off to a good start; many individuals, families, classes, and churches stepped up and collectively, over $7,000 has been donated!  Thank you!  
Yet we are still short of the goal and summer is coming to a close.  

Four families have stepped up to donate $40,000.
Now they are challenging you: step up and help match their gift!   
Your donation of any size will help meet this goal!  Now is your opportunity to make a difference to meet their challenge!
Your donations directly impact the people connected with the ministry, whether it’s proving health foods to hungry families, enabling impoverished kids to receive a Christian education, sharing the life-changing gospel with the hurting…and the list goes on.

Thank you for allowing God to use you to keep the ministry moving!
Serving together,

Ben Simms
President and CEO
Lifeline Christian Mission

P.S. We’re over halfway to our goal!  Remember, your donation of any size is greatly needed by Thursday, August 31!  Donate today!