Rejoice with our fellow ministry in Ukraine and Crimea — Mulberry International

I have shared news about this ministry from time to time. And I am pleased to remind you that Natasha is one of our graduates. Five days ago Natasha celebrated coming to Kentucky Christian University 20 years ago and reviewing what God has done through those years, and how she is able to serve her own ethnic heritage in a time of crisis. 

Praise the Lord with Natasha, and pray for the ministry. Pray for these new believers.

I was working on my newsletter about PNG and the summer camps when I got this news from Natasha and just thought I should share it with you. Rejoicing just does not seem like a solo event!


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Natasha Reimer <>
Date: Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 2:34 PM
Subject: Praise the Lord with me!
To: Georges <>

Today is the Independence Day of Ukraine! Please rejoice with me as you read these wonderful news. It is very fitting today to share these stories of Hope and Future as we pray for a bright future for Ukraine and its people.

–  Natasha Reimer, Executive Director

… And the Lord added to their number…

Acts 2:47 rings so true when we look at the harvest being gathered this month in our partner churches in Mariupol! On the first two Sundays, a dozen people were baptized in Ukraine. Half of them came through the outreaches that Mulberry International started a year and a half ago. The people you can see in these pictures are the direct result of our ministry in Mariupol and of your personal involvement. It is because of your prayers and support, these people first heard of God, receiving food and care packages during their time of need.

You might recognize two women in these pictures: one of them is giving her testimony and another one is comforted in our videos! It is humbling and beautiful to see how God operates through continents and cultures! The Mulberry board envisioned and communicated our vision to you, Natasha went to the field and helped start our ministry in Mariupol, you gave financially and prayed, countless local volunteers sacrificially poured into hundreds of displaced by the war and at-risk families, and TOGETHER we rejoice at the harvest! Praise the Lord!

Thank you to all who provided our team with a blessed time of rest and renewal at a sea-side retreat in July! We do not realize how hard it is to have been ministering, pouring time and heart into hundreds of people while living close to the fighting zone. Our Mariupol team provided counseling, care and support for internally displaced and hurt individuals for a year and a half, and never had a chance to recuperate and rest. Another team has been ministering to the abandoned and abused children and youth in a restricted environment for the last two and a half years. During a three day retreat, all our workers met and encouraged each other to serve others with a renewed strength.

In August we started a  new ministry: Mothers’ Day Out at a local church. Its’ a day children’s center that cares for preschool through middle school children.

We’ve discovered how many single mothers, displaced by the war and at-risk families, deal with unemployment, abuse, PTSD, and barely making their ends meet. Since ministering to hurting children and families has always been the heart of Mulberry’s mission, we have decided to step out in faith to support this new program.

Right now, about 30-40 children attend our center three days a week. They have a chance to learn how to read and write, do crafts, hear Bible stories, and receive much needed counseling. They also receive lunch and a food packet to take home. Some of the children come from abusive and neglecting families and our goal is not only to minister to these little hearts but also to reach the families through their children.

It costs about $1,000/month to run this ministry. If you would like to become a monthly supporter or would like to contribute to this new outreach, please donate online or by sending a check to the address below.

Support our new Mother’s Day Out Program
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Our mailing address is:

Mulberry International

P.O. Box 43623

LouisvilleKY 40253