Lifeline Christian Mission
Dear Reggie, 

You have seen lives changed: children’s faces light up knowing Jesus’ love and grace are surrounding them, mothers smile knowing their children have a nutritious meal, and fathers rest easy at night knowing there are strong walls protecting their family.

All of this is possible because God is moving through you to impact Lifeline’s ministry! 
Yet the ministry is facing two immediate challenges and 
your help is needed to keep the ministry moving forward:

#1: Help continue ministry momentum

Summertime is a challenge: ministry is still on the move in our communities – teachers are educating students, clinic staff are treating patients, and pastors are sharing God’s love – yet fewer donations come in.  And with less donations, it becomes a day-to-day struggle to maintain ministry momentum.  
We have implemented a financial plan to alleviate this issue that plagues us each summer.  But it takes time for these changes to take effect and, in our estimation, it will take 2-3 years to turn things around.  

In the meantime, we continue to stretch your donations to have the greatest impact…but we can only stretch so far.  Cutting ministries and staff is the last thing we want to do.
What can you do? Donate today!
Your donation of any size will infuse the ministry with energy and momentum! We are $90,000 short of our goal to finish out the summer. Your donations are needed now!
#2: Provide meals for kids in Haiti

Food is an ongoing struggle in Haiti, and our Haitian friends rely on you to package nutritious, rice-based meals for students’ school lunches, toddlers in our nutrition clinics, and struggling families in our ministry communities. Right now, an additional 800,000 packaged meals are needed this fall for the children and families in Haiti.
What can you do? Schedule a meal pack event!
Help provide meals for Haiti and bring your church together!  Simply share this email with a leader in your church/business or schedule an event for your business, church, or community group.

Your meal packing event of any size will help provide much needed meals to the kids in Haiti. 
Will you make an impact:
whether it’s a generous donation or 
packing meals for kids in Haiti?  
God is working through you to keep the ministry moving!

Serving together,
Ben Simms
President and CEO
Lifeline Christian Mission
P.S. You are truly needed to infuse momentum into the ministry!  Donate today or pack meals.
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