Three Great Reasons To Attend The ECC 

   The Eastern Christian Conference is more than great preaching. But one of our core values is to provide the best teaching and preaching possible for our conference. This year we’ll be doing just that and providing at least three reasons for you to attend the ECC: Jeff Walling, Ben Cachiaras and Brian Jones. Each possesses a unique communication style that will challenge and encourage you on your journey of faith. 
  We’ll be pleased to be announcing even more great additions to our line-up of teachers as the month unfolds. Join us Novemeber 10-12 for a great conference where our teaching team will be addressing our theme of More to Restore.

ECC Hits A Milestone 
  The 2017 ECC will mark the 50th gathering of the Eastern Christian Conference. The first gathering was held in 1967 in Lancaster, PA with the theme “One in Christ: That the World May Be Won.” Since then the ECC has gathered 49 times (once in concert with the International Conference on Missions). There have been 47 different Presidents of the ECC with Ken Meade serving three times as ECC president. We’ll be taking some time at our luncheon on Saturday to acknowledge our 50 years as a conference. But from the beginning, our eyes have been looking forward to what lies ahead. After all, there is More to Restore.  
Reserve Your Housing
Once again we’ll be enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Don’t wait until the last minute. Be sure to reserve your housing by clicking the link below and following the directions on the website.
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