Brigada Today 2017/08/06
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Time To Register For This Missionary Debriefing Event
Jump to…2) LaunchGlobal Stages 9-month Internships in Multiple Locations
Jump to…3) Get Paid to Teach English at this American-based School in Kosova
Jump to...4) Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Online Courses
Jump to…5) TEFL Certificate Online: Teaching English As a Foreign Language
Jump to...6) Check Out This Two-Year Training Program Combining Learning & Doing
Jump to…7) Are you Discipling Young Men? Try This Old-Fashioned Reader
Jump to…8) Savings on international health insurance plans
Jump to…9) Who Can Speak Microsoft PowerApps?
Jump to…10) Download a 4-Week Prayer Series for Free
Jump to…11) Grab 80 Free Youth Group Lessons for Free
Jump to…12) Could You Use “Kids of Integrity” Lessons to Build Character?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: With this Edition, Brigada Stops Tracking Links…
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Time To Register For This Missionary Debriefing Event


Few things are more strategic to the long-term health of cross-cultural workers than routine personal debriefing. Recalibrate! is an opportunity for singles, couples, and families with teens to process their experiences in a caring, nurturing environment. Register now for this October event. To register, just go to…

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2) LaunchGlobal Stages 9-month Internships in Multiple Locations

Launch Global offers 9-month apprenticeships in locations in Auburn, AL, Birmingham, AL. Chicago, IL, College Station, TX, Dallas, TX, Austin, TX, Lubbock, TX, and Phoenix/Tempe, AZ. Training includes abiding, disciple making, church planting movements, support raising, contextualization, learning one’s spiritual gifts, conflict resolution, overcoming addictions, teaming, scripture memory, and more. They partner deeply with local churches and walk candidates through the sending processes of their local church. Participants can live in the city and go through the training while going to school or working a job. Launch Global mobilizers next help training participants join a healthy church planting movement team among unreached people groups. This program trains more than 200 workers each year and has helped send people with multiple sending agencies. Learn more about their Missional Communities at…

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3) Get Paid to Teach English at this American-based School in Kosova

Ever wish you could teach English overseas in a predominantly Muslim land and get paid for it? Now you can. But you need to act fast. This opportunity is literally up for grabs in the next month. The teacher would be responsible for one class of 9th graders, two classes of 10th graders, and one class of 11th graders. Class sizes average between 11 and 15. The school will provide round trip airfare and pay a living stipend while you’re in Kosova of 1000 Euros a month. Many of their teachers live in complete contentment on this pay. One of the school board members stated, “It is hard to state how important it is for us to find an English teacher for our American based English speaking school. It is ever more important that the teacher be someone who is committed to Jesus and to shine for Him here in Kosova. Certification is not required.” Inquire at…

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4) Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills Online Courses

SYIS Online Course One cohorts are forming now to begin October 2, 2017. Each Course includes six weeks of interactive online work and then another six weeks of personalized follow-up coaching. SYIS Online courses are highly interactive. Participants work and practice together in pairs, small groups, and as a whole group. Registration closes September 8, 2017! Questions? Just go to

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5) TEFL Certificate Online: Teaching English As a Foreign Language

Now you can train to teach English as a Foreign Language to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad. Plus, you can start anytime with this online distance learning course. ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120 hour ‘teaching English as a foreign language’ (TEFL) certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world! The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards. For more info, visit…

This is an exciting development that didn’t exist in this format previously. So glad it’s available now!

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6) Check Out This Two-Year Training Program Combining Learning & Doing

Here’s a two-year training program that gives workers a change to learn and serve among unreached people groups (UPG’s) in Africa. It’s called TIMO and most TIMO Teams have Africans on the team as team members and all team leaders/mentors are experienced cross-cultural workers with 5 or more years of experience. The team goes thru a guided but flexible curriculum and focuses on learning heart language, culture and building relationships in the host community. It is designed for those called to long term cross cultural missions and gives team members a chance to try new things, make mistakes, be mentored, learn how to engage the unreached, all the while actually doing ministry among a UPG! See the video at

TIMO is a ministry of the Africa Inland Mission, but TIMO partners with many other mission orgs and runs multi-organizational teams. Learn more at…

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7) Are you Discipling Young Men? Try This Old-Fashioned Reader

This old-fashioned “Thoughts for Young Men,” a free book by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) is surprisingly timeless and will help you start literally hundreds of conversations with those you’re discipling (including your own sons in a home-school curriculum). Check it out…

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8) Savings on international health insurance plans

One of the most economical health plans has its annual rate increase next month so now is the time to apply and save money. The passion for serving missionaries is clear at International Care.

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9) Who Can Speak Microsoft PowerApps?

What if a disciple making movement strategy needs develop a set of really cool multi-language apps in Microsoft PowerApps framework? Are there Christian developers, with a Great Commission vision, who know and love this stuff? If so, please click “Comment” after the web version of this item — or write us here at . Thanks so much!

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10) Download a 4-Week Prayer Series for Free

Now you can get Ministry to Youth’s 4-week Series on Prayer to study the power of prayer, learning to pray, unanswered prayer, and “Recognizing God’s voice.” Download the PDF for free at…

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11) Grab 80 Free Youth Group Lessons for Free

Are you launching a movement among youth? If so, you might want to grab 80 lessons for free at…

Take special note of their topic, “How to Lead an Awesome Youth Ministry on a Zero (or Tiny) Budget”

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12) Could You Use “Kids of Integrity” Lessons to Build Character?

These “Kids of Integrity” lessons come from Focus on the Family Canada. They focus on a few dozen of the most critical character traits for living the Christian life: confidence, courage, honesty, kindness, etc. Could your mission field (or homeschool group?) use these as discussion starters for key topics in your church or Bible study? Try them for free at…

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13) We’re Grateful for…

The Mission Network, which sent $100 this past week to speed Brigada on its way to thousands of readers around the globe! God bless you!
… the incredible, unbelievable, amazing friends in Dallas, TX, – $1000
…the $50 gift from a great Brigada participant in Milwaukie, Oregon. God bless you and all your Great Pacific Northwest friends and family.

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: With this Edition, Brigada Stops Tracking Links…

Hats off to the sharp Brigada participant in England who noticed that by using MailChimp’s service to track click-through (links), MailChimp was indeed substituting background tracking links behind our true links in Brigada items. (Thanks!) With this edition, we’ve ceased tracking click-throughs in order to give users *direct* access to the links so they can truly see exactly where they’re going should they choose to click on any link in any of our editions. (We have to wonder how many other online or email newsletters have taken that decision.)

We wonder how many other items someone might suggest to improve Brigada. If you’ve got a suggestion, please click “comment” after the web version of this item — or just email us at . Thanks!

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