The Harvest is Nearly Here:
All around the U.S. this fall, church families are hosting Harvest of Talents events to raise money for world hunger relief through IDES. 
At each event, you will find hundreds of hand-crafted items, home-made goods, or unique services for sale. One hundred percent of funds raised directly provides nutritious food through long-term feeding programs for children and families who are suffering from hunger and food insecurity around the world.
It says in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” This is what the Harvest of Talents is all about. We would love to see you at one of these generous, exciting events this year! 
Interested in hosting your own event? Click below to learn more!

Do You Really Hunger & Thirst for God?
“Throughout the Scriptures, hunger and thirst are used as metaphors for the type of disposition we ought to have for God’s presence in our lives. I’m afraid I do not yet fully understand the gravity of this in my relationship with Him.”
This is a hard question to ask ourselves. Have you considered this before? Find encouragement in this week’s devotional blog, a brief reflection on Psalm 63.   

Loving Others With a Wise Approach in Niger
“How do I know my money is going to actually help people?”
As an international nonprofit organization, we get asked this question often. Integrity is one of IDES’ Core Values, and we seek to handle the generosity of our faithful supporters with honesty and trustworthiness, down to the last penny. You matter to us, and your questions of concern matter to us.
This story from IDES’ mission partners in Niger is a beautiful example of how your money is used wisely, to ensure those in need are served in the name of Jesus.

Why is Patience So Hard?
” ‘Patience is a virtue,’ they say.
Honestly, I wish “they” wouldn’t say that! Patience does not come naturally to me — it is almost always a battle with myself.”
Why is patience so hard? Can you relate? Learn what the Scriptures say about Patience in this devotional blog.

You Helped Ko to Believe in Myanmar
“These families are hurting both physically and mentally,” IDES’ mission partner in Myanmar said. “They are deeply in need of prayer and spiritual guidance to Jesus Christ.”
Thankfully, the world has not turned a blind eye:      You showed up for them.
Find out how your love helped our new brother in Christ, Ko, to believe in Jesus.

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Just text “HelpIDES” to 76959. 

IDES | P.O. Box 379355 Park 32 West Dr.Noblesville, IN 46061