RHM Cross-Cultural Prayer, Praises & Petitions

Chinese To Christ Ministry (C2C)
IBCC China – Wing Wong

A Summer School Class

Summer Camp


  • The young people who came to our summer school and camp in China, that they will remember the “good news” that they had heard and continue to seek after Jesus. May God water the seed that have been shown in their heart! May the community continue to see the goods that we bring to their children and families!


  • Our new congregation in Jiangxi Province- Another new house church planted by our local evangelist this month. Under the tightening up of the government policy, our churches are under a lot of pressure. Silas continues to meet with the congregation in different homes for Bible studies and worship services. Another church group in Guangxi also has been cracked down by the police recently and even the children’s school teachers received orders to watch and re-educate the kids.


  • Our new church plant in Guizhou- I have a good visit with our evangelist and the leaders of the government church in Guizhou. I tried to get some understandings and create a non-threatening relationship with the potential hindering force for our new church plant in the area. My conversation with the key leader seemed go well. However, both Mandy and I were somewhat disappointed on the location of the building that our evangelist had rented for the church because it was not in a convenient location. Guess what, I just got words from our evangelist last night that the property owner wanted to break our rental contract. He gave us three months to find a new place and move out! It seems to me that our Lord is giving us a second chance to do it right! Please pray that we will be able to find a more suitable place this time!


  • The new church connections that I have made on this trip- A group of seven or eight churches in Henan and several churches in Chongqing wanted to receive training from me. I also reconnected to a group in Guangzhou whom I first brought the Gospel to them thirty some years ago. We had lost contact after the Tiananmen massacre in 1989. I could not go into China for five years because I helped rescue a student out of China. Please pray that this reunion will open the Gospel door to these people again!


  • Chinese college student ministry in Manchester NH- I will meet with the Manchester Chinese Christian Church in August to present my vision and plan. Pray that the Lord will move the church to reach out to the lost in a sacrificial way!


  • Person of the week:   Stacy Yuan- I hope you still remember her. She was going to study at Boise Bible College. Everything was ready for her. We even paid her tuition and lodging in advance. Somehow, she could not get her student visa from the American consulate. She tried three times and failed! Needless to say, she was very disappointed but had to accept the fact. Well, couple weeks ago she was diagnosed with lymph tumors. She had the surgery three days ago and all went well. Praise the Lord! We then understand why the Lord did not pave her way to Boise! Pray that Stacy will be fully recovered soon and the Lord will show her His way!

Manchester Chinese Christian Church
Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • We have come to the last season of the year. Several important festivals are coming. Please pray for wisdom and opportunity to reach the Chinese community in this region through the christian presence at these festivals.


  • Give thanks to God for our youth minister, Andrew Fross, who is back from his honeymoon. Please pray that God will empower his ministry with the youth and college students.


  • Give thanks to God for our internal loan for buying the church building will be paid off soon! We will be debt free in August!

New Life Cambodian Christian Church
Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Run and Thina Sim, Rinn’s brother and sister-in-law, relocated to Lowell from Texas. In hopes of influencing them for Christ, Rinn is trying to help them get established and start a new business. In one conversation, Run shared that his foot was seriously diseased and a doctor had suggested amputation might be necessary. Rinn prayed with him for his foot and it has significantly improved. Pray that Rinn’s love and faith will bring his family to Christ.


  • Recently the musician for New Life, moved away, but in the same week, Jing, a guitarist, moved to MA. Thank God for providing. Pray that Jing will be able to serve with the church.


  • Many of the New Lifers are traveling in August. Pray for their safety. Pray also the smaller numbers will provide opportunity for good conversations and chances for people to step up in service.


  • The Asian Water Festival occurs in August. Pray that gospel-conversations take place with the Christians who are reaching out this festival is the largest gathering of Cambodians in Lowell each year.


  • Someone approached the church about an alternative worship space. Rinn is checking it out. Pray that God will guide in the process to facilitate the mission.

New Hampshire Korean Christian Church
Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH 

  • Praise the Lord for Jeongsook Ju’s recovery from her illness! She has been getting better and has returned to work and workship. Thank you for your prayers.


  • Please keep praying for Seongja Williams who suffers from continual nerve pain. She hasn’t been able to use her hands for driving or lifting. This physical condition has prevented church attendance. Please pray for the Lord to provide miraculous healing for her and loving support from the church.


  • Please pray for Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim as they prepare to move to Chicago, IL. They have both served on our worship team and have been invested in our church ministries for many years. Pray for this transition, as Ji takes leadership of his family business, and as they continue trying to have a baby. In addition to Ji and Hanna, pray for others in the church to step up to fill the void in ministry.


  • Pray for the Korean people as we seek God’s guidance in our outreach with leading more Korean families to Christ.

Oasis Christian Church Liberian
Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie – Providence, RI

  • Thank God for the three young women who were baptized into Christ last month. Ask God to use their decision to influence their friends for Christ. Also, pray that the church can provide good mentors for these young ladies as they move forward in their walk with Christ.


  • On Saturday, August 12, Oasis will host a yard and food sale. They hope to raise enough funds to pay the van insurance for a year and to fund community outreach events. Pray for the success of this event both relationally and financially.
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