July News & Updates 

Dear Friend,
July was one of our busiest months yet! Here are some highlights:

  • Raise the Roost 2017 is less than 8 weeks away!! Interested in being a sponsor or table host? Email angel@korefoundation.org for more info. 
  • We hosted teams from Hendersonville United Methodist Chuch, Christs Church Camden, and a large family group, with help from our college interns. Teams visited 4 orphanages in our 6.25 feeding program, sharing Christ’s love with 200+ children!
  • Our 6.25 projects are taking off! We installed our first vegetable garden box at a 6.25 orphanage filled with spinach & peppers, and our pilot chicken coop is filled with chicks! These projects are opportunities for our 6.25 kids to learn the basics of farming, business,and other valuable life skills, while providing them with nutrition. 
    Each garden costs approximately $200. Help us grow these projects!
  • KORE was honored to host David Phelps at one of our partner churches, Crossroads Christian Church! Thank you to all who came out to make this evening an incredible success!

Raise the Roost
Getting ready for back to school? Don’t forget to schedule your #KoreImpactTrip for Winter Break. Email trips@korefoundation.org for information or visit us at korefoundation.org to learn how YOU can make an impact!


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