Brigada Today 2017/07/16
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) Fire In My Bones -A Missionary Story
Jump to…2) How to Help a Near Neighbor “Reached” People Group Reach a UPG?
Jump to…3) What Are You Hearing About the Training at Radius International?
Jump to…4) Social Media Strategy Course Offering from MMU
Jump to…5) Hindu World Prayer Focus
Jump to…6) Awana Lifeline Gives Hope to the Hopeless Behind Bars
Jump to…7) Get Equipped for Business as Mission
Jump to…8) Reaching Refugees, Immigrants, and UPGs living among us in the U.S.
Jump to…9) So is This Net Neutrality Thing for Real?
Jump to…10) “ARM” Offers a Hand to Those Behind Bars
Jump to…11) We Just Love LeRoy Eims’ Stuff: Here’s a Treasure Trove
Jump to…12) How Does Your Org or Church Find Retreat Space?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful to…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: How do You Train New Believers?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Fire In My Bones -A Missionary Story

This is a book about Jeff Mills, a hardened British soldier whose life was dramatically changed by God, who ended up on the mission field in drug-ridden and corrupt Guatemala. Despite a tragic accident whilst in Guatemala, ending up in 15 major ops, he still planted churches, also in India in between each operation! This is a book to encourage would-be missionaries.

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2) How to Help a Near Neighbor “Reached” People Group Reach a UPG?

Suppose, like our friend in China, you wanted to mobilize your people group in China to reach out to a minority people group, also in China? How would you get started? How would you connect your city with that minority unreached people group? How would you coach them? We’re familiar with the resources at…

and at…

(The latter site is designed to help you learn to use media to accelerate disciple making movements. The U4theU site is designed to help you pull together a network or project to stick with that vision over the long haul. Both are stellar.) But what resource(s) would you recommend? Please click “Comment” after this item on the web. Thanks for your help!

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3) What Are You Hearing About the Training at Radius International?

I’ve now heard about this training center probably three times in the last month. Have you trained there? Do you know someone who did?

We wonder how it is different from CIT, MTI, or TRAIN International? Could you tell us what distinguished it in your mind and what was your experience? I guess they’ve only done a half dozen or so trainings so far, so they’re still pretty new, but what was your experience? Just click “Comment” following this item on the web. Thanks for any input you can give.

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4) Social Media Strategy Course Offering from MMU

Your ministry outreach must include social media, and that requires a radical rethinking and a new approach to entering into deeper conversations and disciple-making. Mission Media U is offering its five-week online mentored experience to help you and your team do just that. Visit

to find course details, instructor bio, and comments from previous students. The course runs Sept.14-Oct.12.

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5) Hindu World Prayer Focus

Why do we give soooooo much focus on 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, then we don’t lift a finger for Hindus? I’m not sure. Maybe we’ve just never listened to the need? Take a moment and visit…

Please. These Hindu World prayer focus booklets ship in late July. That’s soon. The campaign lasts for 15 days, Oct. 8-22. Please act now. Thanks.

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6) Awana Lifeline Gives Hope to the Hopeless Behind Bars

Awana Lifeline (yes, the same Awana as the kids ministry) is active in 66 prisons in the U.S. and 8 countries. Check out Malachi Dads program for dads and Hannah’s Gift for moms, both revitalizing their God-given role as parents, even from prison. Awana Lifeline works in partnership with local ministries. Visit them at

For the international program, write Daniel Bostrom, at .

Watch a video here:

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7) Get Equipped for Business as Mission

The upcoming BAM Conference in Dallas is the meeting place for those interested or engaged in business as mission. They have special breakouts and sessions for mission agency leaders and workers who are involved with the challenge of fruitfully integrating business and mission. The dates are September 15-17. Register soon for Early Bird rate — which ends August 8. Learn more at…

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8) Reaching Refugees, Immigrants, and UPGs living among us in the U.S.

United World Mission’s network includes ministry partners around the U.S. who are actively ministering among refugees, immigrants, and UPGs. Whether you see yourself reaching the unreached here in the U.S. or gaining experience for an overseas assignment, their opportunities will be a valuable investment in your life. Contact United World Mission if you’re interested in learning more about ministering to refugees, immigrants, and UPGs. Visit

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9) So is This Net Neutrality Thing for Real?

It seems so. Check out, for example, …

Our I.T. guy has said good things about the people at Techsoup before. So it seems they wouldn’t make this up. Can anyone comment on the reality of this? Am I understanding it correctly: That ending “Net Neutrality” would mean that websites could throttle a non-profit user while speeding along a higher-budget user? If this is the case, yikes — should we do something? On the other hand, does it matter? See the article at…

Either way, it appears the window for comments is only open until August 17th. So if you see the myriad of announcements asking for input and you circulate those announcements for the next 40 years, please keep in mind, you’ll be burning up the net for nothing. Remember our suggestions about this sort of thing: Make sure there’s a clear purpose for the campaign and find out how long it lasts before trying to stir up more participation. Verifiable origin, purpose and closure.

(Thanks for bubbling this up to our attention, Mindy!)

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10) “ARM” Offers a Hand to Those Behind Bars

American Rehabilitation Ministries (ARM) offers a leg to stand on for those who have lost all their footing and have been placed behind bars. Often, they’ve bought into a cycle of bad decisions. Sometimes, all it takes to break that cycle, is a friend who believes in them. Maybe you could be that someone. Visit ARM and learn more at…

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11) We Just Love LeRoy Eims’ Stuff: Here’s a Treasure Trove

If you love LeRoy Eims’ stuff like we do (author of “The Lost Art of Disciplemaking”), you’ll love this treasure trove of his material:

You can hear him explain the study while looking at the PDF. Wow. We just want to soak up EVERYTHING this guy said. And the amazing part is — it’s all free.

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12) How Does Your Org or Church Find Retreat Space?

Is there some kind of directory of the best retreat centers, conference locations, or even hotels for churches and agencies to use for their global get-togethers? I guess our org is no different than anyone else’s. After doing our global get-togethers in south Europe in 2016, and Southeast Asia in 2017, we’re now looking for a place in the Western Hemisphere (maybe somewhere in the western USA?) for 2018.

Are there directories for places like these? Surely there are some properties that have gone on record saying they’d prefer to host groups of strong Christian believers (because our teams won’t get drunk and tear up their stuff!). Or maybe there’s a directory of Christian properties at which an owner or manager have said they’d offer serious discounts to cross-cultural workers? If you have such an idea, please click “Comment” following the web version of this item. Thanks !!!

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13) We’re Grateful to…

…the worker at who sent a gift of $50 in the name of Jesus to help unreached people groups all over the world by speeding Brigada along to thousands of screens each week to provide motivation, information, trends, and resources to accelerate the Great Commission. We appreciate you! And thanks for your ministry at Paraceltos to help global workers thrive on the field — because it’s true what your website says: friends don’t let friends go to the mission field alone.

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: How do You Train New Believers?

When God blesses you with a new believer, how do you help him/her get grounded in and start practicing the Christian faith? Do you use a book like the one at…

Or do you simply keep leading the person(s) through Discovery Bible Studies (DBSes) or three-thirds groups, as some people call them? For example, see the topics/scriptures for future three-thirds groups in the back of the Guidebook, here…

What’s your typical approach and how are you liking it? How’s it working? We ask because — it’s become a bit of a crunch point for certain disciple makers. Some have said, “How can disciple making movements ever grow deep disciples without a seminary or curriculum or Bible college? What’s your take on it all? Please click “Comment” after this item on the web. Thanks for any help you can give!

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