Thank you for your prayers and support!

The Najmons
– Italy For Christ Mission –

July 2017

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord, I say, “You are my God.”

Psalm 31:14

An Update

        It has been several months since we have sent out a newsletter and we are glad to be sending one out to you all again! We have been waiting to send another update until we had more information on Megan’s health. Since our last newsletter, we have been going to doctors appointments and trying to get to the bottom of what is going on and how we can treat or best mange her health.

        We are happy to say her doctor has confirmed no more blood work (hooray) as well as no more appointments are needed! Our assumption was that there was one thing going on, but it has been diagnosed that there are several different things. Between 3 doctors it comes down to 3 different issues. To put it simply, they are heat sensitivity (similar to an allergy), low blood sugar, and stomach problems. These three things don’t like to work together which makes some normal activities and meals a real problem. Thankfully, we can greatly help each issue with changes in lifestyle and food, so we are content to make the changes that she needs.

The Next Step

        Right now we are at a point where there is not much else the doctors can do, it will be something she lives with. The only next possible step for Megan would be an intense trial and error period with different foods. It is a puzzle right now of what Megan can eat and this next phase will try to help us put the puzzle together. It would take several months and we have been praying and discussing what this would look like and mean for us. The Lord has granted us peace and we have decided this will be the next phase for us.

Our Future Plans

        With this in mind, our future plans have now changed. We had hoped after going through the doctor appointments that we would be returning to Italy. However, now it is best for us to be in the states through this process for Megan. We will be planning to stay in the states for the next couple years and put missions on hold so that we can give Megan adequate time to go through the food trial and adjust to what is needed for her to function normally on a day-to-day basis. This means that while we stay in the states we will be looking for full-time work and will stop our efforts in raising support and getting back to Italy.

        However, we are not giving up on mission work! At this time, this is simply the best scenario of what needs to be done to get Megan back to normal daily life. This has been a very difficult decision to make. Once the decision was made the bittersweet emotions poured in. We are truly sad about one more delay in our return to Italy, but we are looking forward to Megan having even more answers and she is looking forward to feeling back to herself. We are confident that it is best to commit to a time in the states that will allow us longevity for the future!

What You Can Do

1.  Pray for us. We value that more than anything and it is what continues to help us through each step of our life and ministry.

    2.  Pause any giving towards us. Since we are taking a longer break, we do not plan to live on support during this time and will look for full-time work. We will let you know when we are preparing to return. We would love to talk with you then about recommitting your support as we move to the mission field.

    3.  Wait with us. This month Ross and I will be married 9 years! We knew before we got married that we wanted to do missions and ministry together. This has been a long road, but we are truly thankful to see how the Lord has worked in our lives and marriage through this journey. Please wait and watch with us as we look forward to what God still has in store!

            With Love,

                   Megan & Ross

We covet your prayers!
Here are some ways you could be praying for us.
Prayer Requests:
  • Megan’s food trial process
  • Wisdom in this next step
  • Full-time ministry opportunity
  • Diagnosis from the doctors
  • Increasing clarity in Megan’s needs
  • God’s constant provision

We will be sending out one more newsletter after this one.
We would like to update you once we have our plans finalized for while we are in the states. 
We are so thankful for each one of you!
Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement.
We know that this has been a long road and you all
have been patient on this journey with us.
Thank you for staying with us!

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Italy For Christ – Najmon

P.O. Box 1532

CumberlandMD 21501