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Celebrating New Life – Baptisms 

Four were baptized in Gudele, South Sudan, Joy, Jane, Janet and Matthew. We celebrate their new life. The Great Commission is being carried out with great diligence and power.     Native evangelists are extend their reach further into the heart of the war-torn country of South Sudan. Baptism according to the scriptures, is being preached with power. As suffering increases, many have found rest in the Gospel. Pain and suffering cause us to think about eternity (2 Cor. 5:4), which is one of the reasons Mercy Partners operates in conflict-zones. Emerging countries in turmoil who need social structure pose great opportunities for evangelism. Your prayers and support have allowed the continuation of practical ways that have helped to empower and create equality through partnerships in order for God’s grace to be made evident in the lives of the South Sudanese! 

  • Pray that our new brothers and sisters who have submitted themselves to Christ may be a witness of their Hope to others. 
  • Pray that The Great Commission will be accomplished, for the harvest is ripe and the workers are few.
  • Pray for the physical and spiritual protection of native evangelists as they continue to preach. 
  • Pray for Tom as he is suffering from great pain from dental issues. Also pray for safe travels for Tom and Sandie as they head back from VBS in Alva, Ok. 

 The bible school raised $3,400 enough to repair one well and a good start for a new well. $4,600 to go for the new well. 










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