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Free Mission Video, Free Courses, and more (Brigada)



Doug Lucas via 

Jul 13 (11 days ago)

to rhundley

Brigada Today 2017/07/09
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2017/07/09 — Brigada Today


Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at


In this issue…
Jump to…1) ICTA To Offer Computer Security (like Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam)
Jump to…2) Need a Fundraising Boost?
Jump to…3) TEFL Certificate Online: Teaching English As a Foreign Language
Jump to…4) Zume Project Designers: We Like What You’ve Done to the Place
Jump to…5) Great News: Laptop Bans Dropped from Two More Airplanes
Jump to…6) Hats off to Gmail for Ending Ad-Targeting Email Scans
Jump to…7) How Will We Finish the Remaining 29% of World Evangelization?
Jump to…8) CityTeam (DMM of the Americas) to Host Two Trainings in Dallas
Jump to…9) Get Ready Now for Saudi Global Day of Prayer, Sept. 23
Jump to…10) Still Enthralled with This Video on the Global Sovereignty of God
Jump to…11) How to Teach Kids to Love Language Learning
Jump to…12) We’re on the Hunt for the Best Jail Ministry Resources
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful to…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Help me Understand the Running of the Bulls thing
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) ICTA To Offer Computer Security (like Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam)

The International Christian Technologists’ Association (ICTA) is gearing up to offer beefed-up computer security that will help in multiple ways. Anchored in Webroot, their product will cost something like $30 for a 3-year contract and will protect machines of all kinds from ransomware and malware. Learn more about ICTA at…

Use the contact form there to let them know you’re interested in getting in on the group.

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2) Need a Fundraising Boost?

If your expenses exceed your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.
Need a summer Fundraising boost? Get the DPD, Dynamic Partnership Development coaching program. The DPD is sixty-six, 45-minute lessons designed to help increase income…so no downfall! The DPD is priced to help you!

One missionary reported, “Your materials are inspiring me. I have lost so many donors but my hope is to get half of them back.”

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3) TEFL Certificate Online: Teaching English As a Foreign Language

Now you can train to teach English as a Foreign Language to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad. Plus, you can start anytime with this online distance learning course. ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120 hour ‘teaching English as a foreign language’ (TEFL) certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world! The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards. For more info, visit…

This is an exciting development that didn’t exist in this format previously. So glad it’s available now!

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4) Zume Project Designers: We Like What You’ve Done to the Place

Well the elves behind

have been at it again. In a remake of their page, they’ve added new capabilities and a ton of improvements for participants. If you haven’t stopped by ZumeProject and you’re wondering what it’s all about, look no further than the entire May/June edition of Mission Frontiers here…

In a nutshell, Zume is an online training and coaching service designed to help you become a disciple worth multiplying, help you acquire and implement the skills and life practices to make disciples who make disciples. It’s designed (in this phase) for a North American audience — but future phases will address (first of all) 34 different language groups, then (literally) district-level contexts in all 4000 different zones of the planet. Having watched these Zume groups at work on a personal level, we can now say with a high level of confidence that this system, if implemented as directed, really, really works. If you haven’t tried it, please give it your best and check it out. You’ll need a group of 4 people to get started. You WON’T need your Visa card. Zume is free.

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5) Great News: Laptop Bans Dropped from Two More Airplanes

Well it’s great news all the way around that laptop bans were dropped from two more airlines this past week. This is great news because, a) yes, now we can be productive while flying again, but even more importantly, of course, b) the threat level is being mitigated by some stepped-up anti-terrorism practices. Either way, we’re thankful. Learn more at articles like this one…

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6) Hats off to Gmail for Ending Ad-Targeting Email Scans

After all this time… Thank you Google for ending all the trolling of personal emails. Google has now pledged no longer to read Gmail users personal inboxes. Yay! You’re free at last.

(Thanks for bubbling this up to us, Caleb!)

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7) How Will We Finish the Remaining 29% of World Evangelization?

That’s the question Kent Parks tackles in his article in the May 2017 Lausanne Global Analysis.

Kent does a great job bringing people up to date, introducing movements (to those who might have been living on Mars for the past year and haven’t heard about them), bringing in the biblical passages relevant to the whole subject, then applying key principles that each of us ought to be following. Bravo Kent.

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8) CityTeam (DMM of the Americas) to Host Two Trainings in Dallas

CityTeam’s “DMM of the Americas” division is all set to host two trainings in Dallas. These are the Disciple 101 and 201 trainings and they sound really interesting. Learn more at…

(Go Caleb Southerland!)

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9) Get Ready Now for Saudi Global Day of Prayer, Sept. 23

Every hour is a different topic, wherever you are around the world, from 9am CDT to 9pm CDT. They’re even doing international live broadcasts. Learn more and sign up at…

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10) Still Enthralled with This Video on the Global Sovereignty of God

I keep going back to it again and again. Just used it again yesterday and, by the time it ended, you could have heard a pin drop.

It set the tone for my entire talk (with 22 new missionary recruits) AND when the evaluation forms were turned in at the end of the day, some of the recruits were STILL gripped by it. Something about knowing that God is still sovereign, in the face of all life’s difficulties and everything that Satan throws our way — something about that gives us strength. Highly recommended. Can’t believe they give away the high res download. Bless them.

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11) How to Teach Kids to Love Language Learning

Could Charlotte Mason help us teach kids to love language learning again?

What do YOU use to help YOUR kids fall in love with learning another language?

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12) We’re on the Hunt for the Best Jail Ministry Resources

Got any? We’ve found…

And this ministry looks awesome. But we’re trying to dig as deeply as we can. Where can we find great guidance for visiting inmates, helping them transition to the outside world when they’re released, helping them with reentry counseling, helping them find good jobs and great small groups that will facilitate close walks and bold witness for Christ. Got any leads?

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13) We’re Grateful to…

…the folks at FundTheMinistry, who sent $50 to fund our ministry this past week! May God bless them and their effective work!

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14) The Last Bit: Help me Understand the Running of the Bulls thing

Please. Someone. Help me understand this deal in Pamplona. I’m pretty sure there’s something culturally here that I’m just not getting.

We know that there were six injured today in the sixth running. Why do grown men willingly DO this:


I have a great friend who participated this week. I’m sooooooo looking forward to getting inside his mind when (if?) he comes back. The great thing is, he’s so given to missions. So maybe it’s an adventure thing. If so, we should have *thousands* of willing workers lining up to do cross-cultural work (because missions is so *HARD*!). If you have a theory about why people take part in the Running of the Bulls… and how we might capture that same sense of adventure in recruiting people for missions, please click comment after the web version of this item. Thanks.

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