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A business person decides to start a life insurance company. 
They feel a calling to do this to help people prepare for the inevitable. 
They gather the resources and start laying out their plan.
They arrive at the point of their strategy as to how to find clients and build the business.
They see that they can go one of two ways. 
They see advantages of each.
Which will they choose?
Build a wonderful headquarters.
Prepare beautiful brochures briefing telling of their services.
Recruit and hire some of the best salespeople they can find. 
Train them to go and find potential customers. 
As they go, they will seek to be as pleasant as possible to win over potential customers.
Organize them to do ‘community service projects’ to show others that you are not just in this for yourselves but you are there to be a blessing to the community.
As they go they have been told or trained to invite potential customers to a presentation by you, the company president.
You will have a meeting every Saturday at 10-11AM at your company headquarters. And as the company grows you will have the same presentation given at various locations with a live ‘feed’ of your presentation. Of course there will be a host at each location too.
When the sales force gives out invitations to the Saturday meeting and people ask them for more detail about the product, the salespeople have been trained to do two things. 1. Tell the people that they have purchased the insurance themselves and it has given them an incredible peace knowing all is cared for; and 2. that they really need to come to the headquarters to hear the president talk about it. ‘I’m really not prepared to give a full explanation of the products but the president can.”
At the Saturday meetings the president will share with the potential customers what they need to know about the insurance offered; benefits, dangers in not having insurance, how to sign up, etc.
And if there are people who are really interested they can come back at 5 PM for a more in depth explanation about it all. There will be a meal and child care. 
Oh the president will prepare well for his presentation: Music, food, power point, etc. 
You are confident this can work. You have seen others do it. Yes, you could even grow a successful business this way.
While not discounting the importance of a ‘headquarters’ the president would see this place more as a training center for his sales force. 
He puts most of his energy into training those he will be sending out to sell his insurance. They really don’t need ‘an office’ to do what their job is; sell insurance.

They would be fully trained. They Go to the people. They would be trained in knowing how to approach people and not ‘turn them off’ by a typical “Oh no, another insurance salesperson!” approach.
They would know how to approach people, engage them in a conversation, show interest in them, and then how to ask them if they have any insurance and if not see IF they would be interested in finding out about your companies offerings.

If they are, an appointment would be set up in their home, not at the sales office (people fear the sales office; high pressure, etc.)
The salesperson then goes to the peoples home at their invitation to give a full explanation of the insurance.

The plan or strategy is to keep recruiting sales people and training the ones you already have on your team. And you know who will be the best sales people? Those who have bought the policies and are happy with them. Word of mouth. They know people you don’t.

If you could only choose one, which would it be?

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John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El CajonCA 92019