FAME Monthly Prayer Calendar                       JULY 2017 


Dear Reggie Hundley; Mission Services,


With 2017 now half-way over, we reflect on God’s blessings of what he has provided so far, this year. We are so grateful for our many faithful partners in ministry. Whether a donor, a missionary partner, a volunteer, or a prayer partner, you are a blessing to the ministry of FAME.

This month we ask for prayers for our many volunteers who give of their time and talents each month. We are so thankful for their service and what they bring to the ministry. If you would like more information about volunteering at FAME, feel free to contact Andy Schamerloh, FAME Director of Mission Resources, at AndyS@fameworld.org.

Another item of prayer includes our summer Board of Directors meeting on July 15th. Please pray for wisdom and discernment among the FAME Board members as decisions are made for the ministry. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful board of Godly men and women that seek God’s direction.

Also, please pray for the upcoming medical mission trips that we have coming up both this year and next. Pray for not only the missions we will be serving alongside, but also for the people we will be serving. Pray also that people’s hearts are touched to apply to go on these trips. We are always in need of both medical and non-medical participants on all our trips. If you or someone you know would like more information about any of our trips, please contact Lonnie Burley, Director of Short-Term Trips at LBurley@fameworld.org.

Thank you again for your continued partnership with FAME through prayer!

Blessings in the coming month, 

Lisa Law
FAME Office Manager


Click here for the FAME Prayer Calendar

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4545 Southeastern Avenue
IndianapolisIN 46203
(317) 358-2480