REPORT ON JUNE 2017 TRIP TO AFRICA.                                           
                       Two new cities
                         Three stops
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Our first stop was in a new city for our work.
 It was held at a large church in Eldoret
We had men and women participating,  some with their Masters, some even with or working on their MDiv.
There were missionaries home on furlough.
I overheard the lead preacher at Eldoret tell an associate “We need to train the whole church in this.” 
Another professor and associate said ‘this is the missing link’ that we need.

In between the two trainings we held the first Trainers Retreat with the men in this picture.  They have been using IAAR successfully and have been helping in the training.  They will start doing their own training conferences this fall.  This is multiplication.

Each of these men have a great story of how this has impacted their lives and ministries.  Jim Phillips has invested a lot of time and energy in helping equip them.  

O.K. so on this next and last stop we had our computers and my camera stolen out of our hotel rooms.  But such is life.  THE IMPORTANT thing is what happened in the training.  There are so many inspiring stories.  There are people in this group who will be multiplying and equipping more Ambassadors for His cause.  It is amazing.  There were folks here with a lot of education and some from the rural areas.  We met many people who can make this training and reproduction simply explode.
Ezekiel is a tall man.  He was practicing one of the lessons with me.  It was chilling.  I had to ask him if he had been using IAAR for years.  He was so good.  He has an active ministry to lawyers, police, politicians, etc.  Watch out.  He was so inspiring to me.  
Monica recently returned from working in the Middle East as a maid for 28 months.  She was daily  under intense pressure and threats to become a Muslim.  It didn’t work.  She loves IAAR and sees it helping her reach a lot of people for Jesus. She has started a house church recently and has 30 people in it.  With IAAR she is confident it will grow rapidly.
Geofrey was in a hospital for 8 years when he was a boy with his entire body swelled up.  He had 6 or more brothers and sisters.  They never visited  him.  His mom had died.  His dad maybe visited him once a year.  They never figured out what was ailing him.   Today he is a Christian, a preacher and now a trainer.  God is using him in some great ways.  He is training people in 8 different areas/groups how to use IAAR.
Hausman is an education and a pastor.  He is the one who said RE/IAAR is the missing link.  He had already started using it within a week of the training.  This man is going to have a huge impact with this.  Oh he has so many stories about failed ministries of evangelism but Lord willing he is going to be an emerging story of successful evangelism, training and multiplication.
I’m back home sleeping weird hours.  
I now will start preparing for my trip to Cameroon in August to train new people with Jackson  Ndecheck and YWAM.
I have 23 taking my online course right now.
One preacher who took the course in January hopes to have 80 people trained in IAAR this year. 
Another one who took the course in January is hoping to start training 200 in IAAR this summer.
Bruce Logan has introduced the training to prisoners in California who want to start sharing IAAR with prisoners and train them in how to use IAAR.
Oh and there is so much more.
These are exciting times
For the King
Thanks to all those who gave support for this trip to Kenya in June.  Now on to Cameroon.
Copyright © 2017 John Hendee, All rights reserved. 
You are getting this because you know John. 

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John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El CajonCA 92019