Urgent: Kenya Famine Relief – How to Help
More than 3 million people in northern Kenya are in need of emergency food assistance. 
The Turkana region has been especially hard hit by a two-year drought which has resulted in the failure of food crops and the death of livestock.
A gift of just $25 will feed a family of 5 for a week.  $100 will feed that family for an entire month.  
We need your help to provide ongoing hunger relief during the coming months. You can make hope possible for hungry families:

How to Change the World through Hospitality
What if you could change the world forever by inviting your neighbors over for dinner tonight? Would you finally do it? 
Find out how creating a space for others to belong can point people to our Creator in this week’s devotional blog:

You Rang the Dinner Bell in Bangladesh
Imagine: Sweat drips down your forehead as you achingly bend over in your field for hours under the hot sun, tilling the ground by hand for planting your seeds.

Day-in and day-out, the sun bares down as you complete the back-breaking farm labor that is the only hope for your family’s livelihood. At the end of the planting weeks, you can just hope there will be enough rain for the crops to sprout and flourish. But, the rain never comes. 

Find out how your love made hope possible for farming families in Bangladesh who lived through this very situation:

Glorifying God
The goal is not only to serve, but also to share the reason why we serve. When someone says “Thank you.”, or asks “Why did you step in to help?”, we have the opportunity to witness.  
We can then share the simple message “We love helping others because of the help God has given us”, as well as “The help we provide is a small expression of God’s great love for you.”
Learn more about one of the best ways to bring glory to God in this devotional blog, written by IDES’ Director of Development, Gary Finley:

Never Miss Out On Knowing the Good You’re Doing:
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