
Stephen Muturi of GNPI-Mbale, Uganda


Our new release is called the Why project. It’s a three-minute video about the consequences of not being sexually pure, and it is also available for WhatsApp users. We are getting a lot of encouraging feedback on social media with more than 20,000 views in a week and 64 comments asking questions, thanking us, or requesting more videos…  READ MORE

From Words to Deeds

Gustavo Velázquez of GNPI-Piedras Negras, Mexico


From Words to Deeds is a new 10 video series about Christian people with a profession, office, or ministry of service to others. Each video is three minutes or less and based on 1 John 3:18, “…let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” The newest video in the series was made with our deaf ministry partner, With My Hands.


What I Like

Mike Schrage


Danny Hughes of Compass Christian Church in Chandler, AZ, lists his favorite things about the ministry. What do you appreciate about GNPI?



Click the link below to watch what Danny has

to say…




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