May 2017 News & Updates

Dear Friend,
We are excited to share how you helped make an everlasting impact in Haiti last month and what’s in store this summer!

David Phelps At Tomoka Christian Church
Dove and Grammy Award-winning recording artist David Phelps performed a benefit concert for Kore’s 6.25 feeding program at Tomoka Christian Church in Ormond Beach, FL.  Special guests included Charlotte Ritchie and Phelps’ daughter, Callie Phelps.  Proceeds from the event will help purchase approximately 1000 chickens and feed 160 children!  Thank you to all who volunteered, attended and supported!

Growing With God
Kore intern, Michelle Barnett, has begun planning a farming-themed summer curriculum for our 6.25 children entitled, “Growing With God.”  The program includes Bible studies and educational games.  Additionally, Michelle and 7 other interns will plant vegetable gardens at the orphanages to teach the children how to grow their own food.  These applications will address both spiritual and physical needs for these children!

6.25: Heart to Heart Children’s Home
The team from Snellville, Ga conducted child evaluations at Heart To Heart Children’s Homein Grand Goave.  The director, Pastor Luke, was eager to express his gratitude for the chicken he receives each month as a 6.25 partner.  He has 100 kids in his orphanage and 700 kids in his school.  Pastor Luke extends his thanks to all monthly supporters for providing these children with chicken each month!  Thanks to you, the team is happy to report the children are happy, healthy & thriving!

Got plans this summer?  Impact Trips for 2017 and 2018 are available. Email for information or visit us at 


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