You Can Make Hope Possible

People in our world are suffering. But, YOU can make hope possible. 
Find out how in this video and share to spread the word! 

10 Excuses and Solutions in Regards to Sharing Our Faith
The excuses we have for not sharing the good news of Jesus are endless.
Here are just a few examples. Do any of them ring true for you? 

3 Brief Stories of Praise and Compassion – Haiti 
For the past few months, stories upon stories from our local partners in Haiti have been pouring in regarding just how beautifully God is using your generous response to Hurricane Matthew in blessing the affected families with help and hope. 
Three of these testimonies deeply moved the IDES staff, and we wanted to share them with you, since it is your willingness to show up with God’s love that is making hope possible for these families. 

How Generosity Leads to Experiencing Joy
Things can get awkward fast when the topic of generosity comes up in church. 
Why? Why do we get so antsy talking about it? Furthermore, why do we so often feel that twinge of guilt just before we give in some way?

Help Families Affected by Recent Flooding
IDES is currently responding to the flooding in Southeastern Missouri and Eastern Oklahoma. 
Find out how you can help by clicking the button below.

IDES | 317-773-4111 | ides(at) |