Mission Journeys is “Off and Running” to a great start to 2017.

We have now completed four mission trips for 2017, including the trip our Executive Director made to Florida and Homeport Christian Church.  Larry joined one of our board members, William McNaught and spent a week not only presenting the gospel and Mission Journeys, but challenging the local church to be locally mission minded.  A couple of their special projects demonstrating this type of mission work was a lawn mower blade sharpening event and mower prep for those who needed the help, plus home repair for some of the widows in the area.

While the international schedule is light at this point in time, there is interest and we’re hoping to add more international trips, our stateside schedule seems to build continually.  We keep the schedule (both stateside and international) updated on our website, so please check it out. Note that we have two trips planned for South Dakota working with the Lakota Indians.  The second trip still has space so please let us know if you’d like to be part of that trip.

Speaking of our website–it has been totally redone, and you’ll find it easier to navigate to find the information you want.  It still has the same URL:  http://missionjourneys.org, so visit us there. 

The 2017 trips have resulted in at least 6 baptisms and a re-dedication.  See below for a few more details about each trip. 

Feb. 2017.
Dufailly, Haiti –

The trip to our Mission Partner – Dufailly, Haiti, was packed with activities.  Evangelism as always the main feature saw a revival, a dynamic VBS, plus a medical clinic that ministered both medically and evangelistically to over 250 individuals.  The team was also involved in minor constructions projects, and providing electric to the new school.

West Virginia
 Apr. 2017
Adamson’s Karate Studio Team —
This team from Carmel, IN, was involved in disaster relief (from the flooding last year).  They helped with reconstruction on the Fellowship Hall at a local church, and building a deck for a young mother.  They were also involved in evangelism through community outreach and distribution of goods.  We hear they did excellent work.

Wayne King’s teaching trip to the Philippines —

Wayne’s trip, April 13-25, included teaching at Leyte Bible School, preaching at Tambulilid on Easter Sunday, then leading a seminar for ministers and church leaders in the Tocloban area.  This was attended by about 50 individuals, and was the first attempt at this kind of seminar in Leyte.  More about this trip will be posted on our website http://missionjourneys.org/philippines-2017

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