PACE is a way for your church to go from watching on the sidelines to actively facilitating the Great Commission among the reamaining unreached people groups.

Your Church Could be the Difference

Is your church ready to become more than a check-writing church? Are you ready to get personally involved in reaching the unreached?

Then check out PACE, a program designed to help churches join the front lines of revolutionary missions!

Learn more about how your church can change the world!

From Fear to Faith

He would lock himself in the bathroom to read the Bible out of fear that someone would see him.

Read the story

Answered Prayers

After intense prayer, we saw God connect a church, a family, and a nation for His Glory.

Read the story


Featured Opportunity

Financial Associates
As Team Expansion makes some exciting changes to make our organization more ready for rapid growth, we desperately need financial associates to fill out our team, currently of just one.

Use that detail-oriented, math-loving brain for the Kingdom!

For information about this or any other position, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Pray With Us

Pray for more churches who will accept the challenge to reach the unengaged parts of the world with the Gospel. Ask God to use His church to accomplish mighty things.

Intercede for believers who will suffer when they tell their families. Pray that they would be courageous, committed, and encouraged. Pray for whole families to know Truth.

Praise God for a great prayer weekend in Louisville, Ky.


Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Join us in Praying for a Lift?
For several years now, we’ve regretted the fact that, when we built Emerald Hills, we didn’t install an elevator. There were excuses that we made back then. We didn’t want to borrow any more funds than absolutely necessary. We weren’t sure how much an elevator would be needed. After all, there was a service drive that would allow access to both floors. In retrospect, boy were we wrong.

In recognition of our mistake, we’ve finally come up with a plan that allows us to add a lift in such a way that the next wing can “build around it.” In other words, nothing will be wasted — and our dear friends who need an elevator will finally have a way to get to another level in our building.

However, elevators don’t come cheap. We’ve found a service lift that will save around $20,000 (against a ‘standard elevator’), but we’ll still need $30,000 or so by the time we’re done. But think about it: we’ll finally have enabled our wheelchair-riding friends access! … without having to drive into the darkness, or the rain, or the snow.

If God should speak to your heart and prompt you to help us make this lift a reality, we would celebrate your partnership and help. Just go to and/or send a check to:
4112 Old Routt Road
Louisville, KY 40299

Your gifts are tax-deductible. And our wheelcair-riding friends will be so thankful. We appreciate you!

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: March 2017

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Multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached
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