Praying for Djibouti — that the work will continue

Djibouti Update


I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
you have become my salvation. – Psalm 118:21


Our Country Director of LIA Djibouti continues to need our prayers. You may be aware he had been arrested recently and charged with improper implementation of the LIA microloan initiatives in the country. This charge has not been dropped, neither has he been fined for it. He went back to court yesterday for a mention of the case hoping for a conclusion. However, he has been given yet a new date. With this pending case—much as he and his family would like to travel out of the country and take a much-needed break, they are not allowed. I talked to our strategic partner today and he could not stop praising God for the impact he has seen in the work we do and the many who have been transformed. 

Djibouti is a closed country—therefore to treat this information as confidential—only to be shared among LIA Family.

Let us pray:

  1. A victorious and speedy conclusion to the pending court case.
  2. Peace, protection, strong faith emotional stability, encouragement and grace even as he waits.
  3. The kingdom to gain glory from all this and for the work to be advanced.
  4. The next hearing of the case is May 25th. Thank God he is not waiting in prison but is free and at home with the Family and pray that even in this interim, God will be served.
  5. His phones are being tapped and the government seems to be further investigating the work of LIA. Pray that they will be surprised by the impact they find and that all this will work together for good even unto salvation.

In Christ,

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