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April 2017  

“I was disappointed but not surprised to hear this turn of
events. Working in missions is not easy. As soon as you walk the
path of faith the enemy begins to work hard to stop you.”

These words were written by a missionary in a very remote area after we wrote to her postponing our training with her ministry. We were unable to assemble a team of dentists to go. Her letter was a beautiful, yet convicting, reminder to us of both the power of prayer and the forces of evil working against us.

I was reading in Joshua 3 this morning about the Israelites crossing the Jordan river.  “Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests, who carried the ark, reached the Jordan and their feet touched the waters edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing”.

This journey to get in contact with you has been only God. It seems to me that Satan is working hard to stop this training because he knows what an incredible impact it will have on the 6000 people in this area.

When we know we are following the Lord (who is the ark), then He will work miraculously to get us through the obstacles that come.

The Jordan river was at flood stage. No one could get across. The obstacle seemed impassable.  The priests had to begin to step into the water before God performed the miracle.

Here you are, at the waters edge. So far God has guided you. He
brought us together for a reason. You are getting ready to cross
the ocean. However, there is a huge, seemingly impassable, obstacle in the way – not enough dentists! I encourage you to keep stepping out in faith and see how God removes this obstacle. He will get you, the whole team – and all the students who have applied to be trained, across.

“The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.” Nobody got left on the other side!

I would hate for my nurses to be “left”. I believe that God led us to mPower Approach. We have a vision for this dental ministry and have been praying about it for over 6 months. My nurses are keen, we have a clinic room amongst the village people. My nurses can share the equipment and they have already started learning dental hygiene at the local hospital. This training would be a huge encouragement and benefit to our community. 

I will fast for you today for encouragement and for protection from the enemy as you seek to discern God’s will in this matter.

Trip Schedule
Ghana: May 12-21, 2017
Dental Hygiene, Extractions, Vision

Papua New Guinea: June 8-19, 2017

Togo: September 1-10, 2017
Extractions, Dental Hygiene
Haiti: October 12-18, 2017
Ghana: September 22- October 1, 2017
Dental Hygiene, Partial Dentures, Leadership Training, Vision

Democratic Republic of the Congo: TBD 2017

Rwanda: TBD 2017
Sewing, Women’s Conference, Children’s Ministry

India: TBD 2017
Dental Hygiene
Ivory Coast: February 2018

If you are interested in participating in a trip or scheduling 
a training, please simply reply to this email or call our office at 502-544-9031. 
mPower Approach
106 North Watterson Trail ● Louisville, KY 40243
502-544-9031 ● ● info(at)
mPower Approach, 106 North Watterson Trail, Louisville, KY 40243