Geofrey is the preacher on the right.  I wrote about him a while back.  He is the one who worked for 15 years and couldn’t build his congregation beyond 25-30 people.  Since he started using IAAR it has grown to 150.  Shadrack, the preacher to the left has a similiar story. We just got word that Geofrey has 20 baptisms this week with people he and those he has trained have done IAAR with.  
God and his people are moving. We got word of another preacher who was doing IAAR with a witchdoctor and his wife.

There is an interesting observation here.  While we were working in Peru (and it would apply in most of the world; for sure in the U.S.) we realized that the number of decisions we had on weekends was in correlation to the number of IAAR’s we were doing during the week.  When we were doing fewer IAAR’s, we saw fewer decisions on the weekends.  A church that has a lot of decisions without doing IAAR or something similar, would have MORE if they were training their people how to GO OUT and do IAAR’s with the people they know and meet in life.

Copyright © 2017 John Hendee, All rights reserved.