leaders in Central America
Equipping passionate local leaders & pastors
Our local leaders and pastors serving in our ministry communities are hungry…hungry to share God’s Word and hungry to reach their communities for Christ.  

But accomplishing that can be difficult with limited resources. 

Therefore, equipping our local church leaders and pastors to lead is essential for these churches to develop, grow, and minister to their communities! 
Hundreds of our local pastors and leaders in 149 churches and house churches spread throughout the Caribbean, Central America, and North America are hungry for someone to walk alongside them to equip them and their ministry, and more importantly, to encourage them to know they are not alone.
To equip these leaders, we have God-sized dreams to launch a movement of multiplying churches that are a result of regional Sending & Equipping Centers throughout Central America, the Caribbean, and beyond.  
These centers will house our Bible Institutes, while enabling local pastors/leaders to gain valuable resources and offer opportunities to the communities.  
To continue to invest in these leaders and grow these Sending & Equipping Centers, Rick Scruggs has joined our Lifeline-Canada team as Vice President of Leadership Development to serve alongside Andy Sims, our Vice President of Leadership Development on our Lifeline-USA team.  Together, they work with you to invest in our local pastors/leaders.  Rick will also direct church plant initiatives in Canada and connect Canadian leaders and churches to Lifeline’s ministries.
What does equipping leaders & pastors look like in our different ministry locations?
Honduras & Cuba:
worshiping in Haiti
Pray for our ministry communities & churches
Lifeline’s ministry communities are filled with a beautiful tapestry of struggling people. Join us in praying for the people, their communities, and those who are serving on your behalf in the ministry field.
kids packing meals
Sharing God’s love around the world
It’s humbling to see how God is working through you to share His love and spread His Word around the world.
Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 104, Westerville, OH 43081