Hello from Auckland,
Please forward these prayer requests and update to the elders, ministry leaders, staff and missions team. 
Pray for the Shore Community Church to raise up more elders. They are down to 3.5 right now, with few obvious candidates. That’s a common reality of new church plants with shallow foundational roots.
– A Quiet Spiritual Retreat for Shore people is 29 April.
There are four new churches at varying stages of establishment and Jill mentors the teams and young leaders in spiritual formation and wisdom.
Jill enjoys seeing what God does through the connections she’s able to make within the community and churches, often helping churches get involved in refugee initiatives they wouldn’t otherwise know about.
Refugee youth work continues to be a community outreach initiative, as well as meals to the homeless. 
Jill doesn’t go into the city every Friday night, but a team from the church does. Young refugee women are being mentored in their university studies so they can be fully participating contributing members of NZ society. 
Chaplaincy is going well at the university and Jill is on a strategic think tank/working group to consider where higher education is changing, the church is changing and how chaplaincy can be more effective in the future of unknowns.
NZ is post Christian, but not secular, as sociologists expected. Immigration creates an ethnic and religious diversity that gives moreopportunities for mission and evangelism.
Pray for the opportunities that Easter gives as Chaplains explain to international students why there’s a public holiday and everything is closed for a few days.
Pray for Spirituality Week on campus 8-12 May and the Holy Spirit will actively guide and inform the conversations that will happen.
We continue to seek new ministry partners!
We expect little increase from the supporting partner churches and may even experience a drop as some struggle in the present economy. Pray for individuals to partner with us in one time gifts or  $50 or more per month.

Please see photos and updates on  www.facebook.com/integritynfaith and encourage others to LIKE and get notifications from there as it is updated. 
Thank you for keeping the church informed and praying! 
Jill Shaw in New Zealand with 
The Ark Christian Ministries
P.O. Box 43581, 
Louisville, KY 40253

Homeless Ministry Photo: Joe in black tshirt holding handle of a cart Jill provided to carry food and supplies up and down city streets. Nate, in blue hoodie, is one of our church planters.

Cake Photo: Jill at a friend’s daughter’s wedding admiring the cake. Jill met Rachael, in blue, at the university and supported the family through the death of their other daughter six years ago. The invitation to this wedding is an indication of the influence that comes over time. This family has absolutely no comprehension of a faith in God, no biblical knowledge and has only been in a church building for the funeral.

           • Ark Christian Ministries • 


To live creatively, with integrity…