You can make a difference – for the people of Vanuatu, our family, and eternity. God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E

As promised on our Mission Vanuatu: the Weldys Facebook page, here are some pictures of the cuties in my new Sunday School class. I had 11 in class the first week! My prayer is to instill in them that God loves them and is working in their lives.Even as 3-5 year olds they can begin to learn what it means to love Jesus with your whole heart and follow him with your life. I would love it if you would pray over each of these sweet faces.


Feasting on God’s Word

Pastor Vusi, our VISTA principal, and I (Matt) went to the island of Ambae on January 21-25. This was a memorable trip for me – in part because it was the first time I had ever flown in a prop plane!

Our plan was to spur on the formation of translation committees amongst the four languages that have started translation projects. We gave the committee members ideas on what they could do on a practical level to empower the translators. We were also able to do our very first distribution of Scripture portions!

I was able to preach at the Luvunivili Church of Christ on Sunday morning. That was great and they were an attentive congregation. I enjoyed worshiping with them. They sang a number of songs in their vernacular, Havai. I might not understand the language but I could still worship God with them as they sang.

We conducted meetings at three different locations. At our third meeting, in south Ambae, there was an older man named Manasseh. When we finished the formal meeting, we went outside to eat lunch together. After lunch we were all sitting under a large mango tree telling stories and visiting. I looked over to see Manasseh reading the portion of Genesis that I had given him. He was totally engrossed in his reading. All of the rest of us men then walked a ways down the road to see the new church building and the community center being built. Manasseh didn’t go with us. He stayed behind reading.

When we left later that day Manasseh jumped in the back of the truck with us so that we could drop him at his village down the road. When he got out he told Pastor Vusi how excited he was to have the Genesis portion. He told him that he was going to start that week meeting with some of the younger men in the village to help them read Havai better so that they could read Genesis also.

Manasseh is just one man, but one man feasting on God’s Word and sharing it with others can change an entire village. Pray with us for Manasseh and for others like him.

Matt (for Angie and the kids, too)

Top: Mama Emma told Matt that collecting and arranging the flowers for church is an act of worship for her.

Bottom Left: The group in South Ambae. That’s Manasseh in the middle holding his sunglasses – and his copy of Genesis 1-12.

Bottom Right: The congregation at Luvunivili where Matt preached.

Prayer Points

~ This VISTA session is off to a rough start. One of our translators got a phone call on the first morning saying his wife had died. We also have a teammate in the States for a funeral, two teammates who are teaching for the first time, and three other translators who are still trying to get here. Please ask God to work through these hard situations. 

~ Our team is welcoming our first group of interns to Vanuatu this summer! This requires a LOT of time and effort from the Dallas office, the interns themselves and our team. Please pray for all of the details to come together and that God will use this summer to show these college students what He has in store for them!

~ Please pray with us that God will raise up additional support for our ministry. Because of increases in our monthly budget (insurance and return flights in Oct), we are now at 74% of our monthly budget. If God is prompting you to give a one-time or ongoing gift to our ministry, please go to our giving page. Thank You!

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