CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
The latest news stories from our team around the world.

Team climbs Kilimanjaro, raises funds for MOHI

A team of plucky hikers made the arduous trek up Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro in late December and raised more than $140,000 for Missions of Hope International (MOHI), CMF’s ministry partner in Nairobi, Kenya. One of the climbers was Steve Bond, the lead pastor at Summit Christian Church, Sparks, Nevada. The church has been a partner […]
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One minute with CMF team member Nick Dunn

Nick and Amanda Dunn, Ethiopia, hospice, CMF International, Strong Hearts, koreNick Dunn is a nurse with CMF’s team in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He manages a hospice team run by CMF partner Strong Hearts in the urban slums. The team of three nurses and a Public Health Officer (nurse practitioner) provide home care to the dying poor in a 20-mile radius of Kore, a sub-city of […]
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Watch the premiere of CMF’s brand-new video!

CMF International, missions, videoWe are proud to present “Push On,” the new CMF promotional video created by Shane Trowbridge, our Multimedia Specialist. The video features footage from many of our CMF team members on the field, sharing highlights from their ministries. Child Sponsorship Coordinator Lacey Montour was filmed at her CrossFit gym for the workout section of the […]
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