Dear friends,

Thank you so much for your faithful support of Project New Hope over the past two years through CMF. When we were asked to lead this partnership, our goal was to establish a disciple-making movement in Trujillo, Peru, and Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
You’ve celebrated victories like these during these past two years: churches revitalized, additional house churches established, training provided for holistic development, an after-school literacy program initiated, micro-business training and more than 100 baptisms of new believers.
Mike and Danell Bukta, the missionaries we have worked with on-site, are hardworking and committed. While they had planned to leave PNH at the end of this year, they recently decided to remain in Ecuador and provide leadership of the project. So, we are working together to transition the leadership of the project to them as soon as possible. 
I am writing today to let you know that CMF will be fully disengaged from Project New Hope, including ministry updates and receiving contributions for the ministry, as of February 28, 2017. Please contact Mike and Danell Bukta at to continue receiving their email newsletters and to continue your financial support.
We are grateful for the opportunity to have worked with the Buktas, as well as the Peruvian and Ecuadorian leaders, to bring about transformation. I know you will continue to pray for God’s blessing on the transition and future ministry. 
Thanks again for your faithful support and prayers.

Steve Palich
Director of Ministry Center Development

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