In the past several months, we’ve asked for prayer for Violet and Valerie. Valerie gave birth to Violet when she was 24 weeks pregnant. We are praising God that Violet is healthy and growing! Please continue to pray for them both. We’re hoping that Violet can go home from the hospital soon! 
Erin has been attending Restore for the last month. She is asking a lot of questions about faith. Pray that she will continue to be drawn to God and that she will make a decision to follow Him soon! 
Next week, we are having our very first Student event for grades 6-12. Please pray that God will grow our Student ministry.  We’re thankful for this opportunity so early in the life of RESTORE.
Please pray for Kevin. He recently found out that a back injury he suffered as a firefighter will now no longer allow him to be a firefighter.  He is seeking what is next to provide for his family.  He is still on the fence in making a decision for Christ.   
Please pray for Joe and Marilyn. They have only been a part of SouthPointe for a couple of months. Their 18 year old niece overdosed last week. Please pray for their entire family. 
Please pray for a team of 12 people from OceanPointe, NorthPointe and SouthPointe that will be working with Missions of Hope in Nairobi, Kenya this summer.  Pray that their vision of what God is doing around the world will expand as they serve in the slum area of the largest city in Kenya. 
Pray for the leaders of SouthPointe as they face obstacles with the city West Warrick concerning the purchase of a building where they can meet 24/7 and serve that city with the Gospel.
Please be in prayer for Adam and Mike, 2 different men who are both going through similar situations.  Both are fighting through big doubts about their faith and possible divorce from women who do not whole-heartedly believe in Jesus. While relationships are still there, separation and/or divorce seems inevitable. Pray for strong faith and incredible redemption in these men and their families.
There is a couple in our church family who have been coming since day one of OceanPointe. They are like family to our staff. They struggled with possible infertility for years but we’re excited to say that they will be delivering a baby this spring! They have both come so far in their walk and will now have the blessing of leaving a legacy with their first child.
Please pray for our staff and leadership as we prepare to add a 4th service! It’s likely that this service will happen on Thursday nights after Easter and there is much preparation. Pray that God uses this new time/day to reach those in our area who can’t attend on Sunday morning.
Julie came to NorthPointe for the first time Sunday searching for hope during a very difficult time in her life. Through the worship and message, God met her where she was and ministered to her. Please pray for Julie as we look for ways to serve her during this difficult season of life and point her towards Jesus.
Jen and her husband, Joel, came to NorthPointe at the invitation of some friends. Their marriage was in a tough place due to Joel’s alcoholism and they were just trying to hold their family together. Unfortunately, Joel continued to drink and try to cover it up, so Jen kicked him out of the house. Joel is now at a recovery center and Jen is a single mom caring for their young daughter. Please pray that Joel will find Jesus as the source of his recovery and that their marriage will be restored by God’s grace.
Sue and Margie became friends at NorthPointe and couldn’t be any more different. Sue is shy and reserved while Margie is outgoing and gregarious. Recently, Sue and Margie have started taking warm meals to the homeless in Providence on Thursday nights. Sue oversees much of the organization of it all and Margie is the person out front. Through this act of love and compassion, they’ve had several ministry opportunities and chances to share about Jesus. Sue is even beginning to see how God can use her quiet personality to find people that often hide in the background. She said He’s giving her strength to sit and talk with them one on one and many of them have taken her up on her request to pray for them. They have started expanding their services and are even recruiting people to join them as the need and ministry continues to expand. Please pray for Sue and Margie’s leadership in this important ministry and that, through them, many will come to know Jesus.
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