Father and Son Adventure!
A tiny letter from 
Rio Bravo Christian 
Minsitries with news
from the hearts of the

January 23, 2017

Dear Friends,

Recently I had occasion to be traveling with Antonio and Nataly Preciado from the Missionary Convention in Lexington, KY to Cookeville, TN.  During the conversation of that travel time, much discussion was shared about how to minister to people.  We talked all the way from what activities the local church or camp could offer to interest people in attendance, to teaching and preaching the truth of the gospel, to meeting individual needs outside of the church, to special focused events, children’s programming, etc….well, you get the picture.

Somewhere in that conversation I made the statement, “We need to be careful about how we reach out because what we win people with is what we win people to.”

Antonio took exception to that statement as he began to tell me a portion of the story of his faith walk.

“I was brought to church by cake,” he said.

“Cake?” I asked.

“Yes, cake,” he replied

He then went on to share his story:

“It all started when I was 18 years old and completely gave my life to Christ.  But sadly, some years later, I turned my back on God and walked completely away from him. 

From then on, my life became one failure after another.  It was so severe I almost lost what I most loved, my family.  Even though I knew my marriage was in trouble and my wife was desperate, my wishes were not to do anything to remedy the terrible situation.

Feeling desperate about the situation I brought upon my family and after many attempts to find help and save our marriage, my wife began to pray diligently to God for me.

But then, without me even knowing it, God began to work in my life.  One day my father-in-law gave me an invitation for the next Sunday to attend church where he and my wife went.  I was told that there would be cake after Sunday service in celebration of my father-on-law’s birthday. My weakness has always been the desserts, especially cakes.

I decided to accept the invitation and that Sunday accompany my wife and children to that church.  My intent in going was only to eat that rich cake that I had been told about.

But God had already prepared a huge net to catch me that day there in that place.

That fo Sunday, when the service began, there was no preaching.  I was informed that there had not been any preaching in the few years prior as they had been without a preacher for the church.

At that moment I realized God was providing for me an opportunity for me  to be a preacher of His word.  A second opportunity for faithfulness to God was presented before me.  I took it.

From that day until today, every Sunday I preach the gospel in that place. That day long ago I attended church only to eat cake, but God had prepared for me another opportunity I was unaware of.  It was an abundant blessing, a total transformation of my life took place after that day which brought joy and peace back to my life and to my marriage.

That day I was caught in the net of divine mercy and now every Sunday, in gratitude to God, I also spread out the net of God’s word to others, who like me, may need another opportunity of re-committing to faithfulness to God.

I am grateful to God for the high privilege of being a “fisher of men” for Jesus Christ.”

(As told by Antonio Preciado to Linda Berg)

Friday, February 10th will find Brad and Linda on the road to Northern Illinois to attend the Annual Rio Bravo Christian Ministries’ Board Meeting to be held Saturday afternoon at the Tom Bailey farm.

As we go over the ministry work of the past year and look forward to the work ahead, there will be conversations about how we have in the past and  need to continue in the future to go  about continuing the ministry of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

While there will be moments of serious conversation as reports from staff are read and financial reports are studied, there will be stories of God working in the lives of people in Mexico.

There will be praises sounded for those who have stayed diligent in this work whether as a preacher, teacher, child care person, kitchen help, groundskeepers, good neighbor, U.S. short-term worker on the field, mechanical helper,  Rio Bravo Ministries Board member, prayer warrior living at some long away distance, and those who have faithfully financially supported this work.

There will most likely be tears shed as we wrap up the meeting with words of our deepest appreciation for the gift God gave us of his love, grace and Son and the ability and the privilege of being able to share that message with the people of Mexico.

Thank you!  Thank you!

The Rio Bravo Christian Ministries’ Team

P.S.  Who knows? Maybe  some of the future “invitations” to church and related activities in the coming year  will include cake. 


Rio Bravo Christian Ministries
2601 Wakefield Dr.
Cookeville, TN  38501
Brad 830-765-0088
Antonio 87779332807 (MX)
“Therefore, encourage and build
each other up.”  I Thess. 5:11