Travelin’ Miles:  Foretaste of Heaven
January 2017

Foretaste of Heaven

Dear Family and Friends,

Standing and praising God in the midst of a throng of thousands of people from 29 different countries in  the country of India was breathtaking.   Steven Dazim, Siria Ransford, and I traveled from Papua New Guinea toward the US via India, so that we could participate in the World Convention there.  There were Indian brothers and sisters at the Convention from 21 out of the 29 Indian states.  Different worship services were led by worship teams from different parts of India, featuring Indian musical instrumentation.  Different groups brought vividly expressive worship dances.  Some of the most compelling speakers in the world preached. God was there in our midst. We truly experienced a FORETASTE OF HEAVEN!

One worship team, composed of about 15 people who played many different types of drums and other percussion instruments, was from an area which has been undergoing much persecution.  We were told by one of the convention organizers that every single member on that team had been the target of serious attacks from those who hate Christians.  We heard testimonies from Indian Christians who have had family members slaughtered before their eyes, houses and churches burned, wives gang-raped – and yet they remain faithful to the God of Heaven.  They asked for prayers – not that the persecutions cease, but that they would stand strong and would shine the light of God’s love in the darkness around them.

Steven and Siria have worked on the Aruamu translation team in Papua New Guinea for a long time. When you work in the context of a jungle tribe, it is very easy to NOT realize how many brothers and sisters in Christ that you have all around the world.  It was lovely to watch them meet many Christians from so many other places, and to realize that they are part of a great move of God, which is happening globally in our time.  They were also privileged to meet and fellowship with and be encouraged by Bible translators who are working to translate God’s Word for languages in other places. 

The cross-fertilization which happened at the Convention was such a blessing. One day at lunch we were at a table that included people from 5 different countries.  Steven mentioned that he and other Aruamus have started a Bible College for the purpose of training people to go to other places with the gospel.   A brother from Africa was at the table, and he perked up and said that he was doing the same thing in his country.  Steven mentioned that he is still trying to find good, appropriate curriculum materials, and the African brother said he was having the same challenge.   A brother from India was listening to this discussion and said that he had an idea of someone who could help with that.  He got up and went to another table and brought back an older Indian teacher who has spent many years developing materials like that.  It seems like every time we turned around, creative cross-fertilization and encouragement was happening.  The World Convention truly fills a niche that no other gathering does.

Thank you for praying for us this last month!  We are now in Dallas, TX. Steven and Siria are settling in to the Guest House at the International Linguistic Center, and we are in the process of beginning work on checking Old Testament books.  We look forward to the day when this “foretaste of heaven” will be fully fulfilled, and people from every tribe, and tongue and nation will gather around the throne of God praising Him.

Love in Christ,
Marsha Relyea Miles
(for Nathan, Steven, Siria and all of our teammates) 

Prayer Prompts

Pray for Nathan Miles, as he travels to Cuba on Sunday for Bible Society meetings with consultants involved in translation for Deaf communities.  
Praise God for excellent planning meetings for 2017 with the Aruamu Translation Team in Papua New Guinea this last month.  
Pray for the students and teachers of the Aruamu Bible College (fully run by Aruamu Christians) as they prepare to start their school year.
Pray for Martha Wade as she prepares to do the final consultant check Aruamu Isaiah chapters 33-66 in Madang, PNG with a team of 4 Aruamus.
Pray for Steven, Siria and Marsha as we launch into checking Aruamu OT books for  the next 6 months in Dallas. This week we are doing some revisions on Jeremiah 1-25, following the consultant check which happened in December.  Also, we are checking over some questions regarding Isaiah 33-66 (prior to the consultant check scheduled for February.)  Next week will start the exegetical check of the book of Job.

Praise God for the many connections which were made at the World Convention in India. (Marsha is grateful for the privilege of serving on the Board of the World Convention.)


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Checks may be made out to:
Pioneer Bible Translators, P.O. Box 420335 Atlanta, GA 30342-0335
(Marsha’s Cell: 214-205-7060)

Siria and Steven, worship in with multitudes in India!
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