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The True Buddha

Timothy P., Regional Director of GNPI-SE Asia


Many Buddhists worship Gautama, the founder of Buddhism. His teachings about the True Buddha point to Jesus Christ. I want to help people to understand the real meaning of the word “Buddha” because Buddhists think Gautama is Buddha. In reality, Buddha means “God” in the Magadha (Pali) language, which Gautama spoke. Historically and literally, it does not refer to Gautama, “the Buddha” who some people worship today… READ MORE


Gustavo Velázquez of GNPI-Piedras Negras, Mexico


Raziel Nuñez, the lead actor in a couple of our recent films, shares how his family and ministry were impacted by the documentary on addictions and the short film Freed by Blood.



Mike Schrage


Our world is interconnected in many ways: A hurricane warning comes a week in advance of the storm hitting the shore. News from China hits Facebook within minutes. Presidential tweets send the stock market into a buzz. Technology and…


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