mango peace







We have been in prayer for the eradication of Malaria ever since both Tom & Sandie contracted in 2015. We are thrilled to share a very promising vaccine has passed a critical milestone. The team at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research, in Seattle, deleted three genes from the parasite so it could not infect liver cells.**


The malaria parasite goes through multiple stages both in mosquitoes and inside the human body unlike any other illness. The idea is that “infecting” people with the weakened parasite will expose the immune system to malaria, but the parasite will not be able to complete its lifecycle to cause disease.  This is very promising since Malaria is the Number one killer on earth that claims over one million lives each year, mostly children under five years of age, with 90 per cent of malaria cases occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa. An estimated 300-600 million people suffer from malaria each year. More than 40 percent of the world’s population lives in malaria-risk areas.                                                                                                                 


Pray that this vaccine may be uninhibited from advancing beyond trials and placed into production at affordable levels and that MERCY PARTNERS may lead in effective vaccination. 


Pray for all of the native MERCY PARTNERS teams that live in endemic regions who constantly have to mitigate the effects of Malaria including Tom & Sandie. 


  **Information on these trials have been published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. 



Mercy Partner and preacher Ryan Riley, of KS has a large tumor in his esophagus. The doctor feels there is a very high chance it is cancerous. We ask for healing in the Name of Jesus for this brother of ours.


   Last weeks prayer request Update:

One of our new Mango disciples shared: ” Last night as I was doing my Mango Bible study, I read this verse in Psalm19:1-4  I love how Gods beauty is all around us and sometimes we get so busy with what we think is important that we miss what’s really important. Another Mango disciple who will be finishing in eight weeks wrote: ” I sure hope after this one is over that you will begin a different one.”



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