Dear brothers and sisters of our mutual Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ,

Greetings from Coffee Country!
2016 is now in the history books and we’ve started on the new year granted to us by our Creator. We look forward to seeing how He will work in and through us in 2017.

Family Time
On December 3 our son Timothy arrived for a visit.  He had not been back to Colombia since just before being deployed by the USMC to Japan in 2011.  Unfortunately, his wife Paula was unable to accompany him due to a conflicting work schedule.  It was with great joy we greeted him at Matecaña International Airport and the three weeks he spent with us and his friends in the area were a real blessing.  He also managed to visit his grandparents in Medellin, taking his mother along as a surprise. They had quite an interesting trip as there were multiple landslides from the rains as well as at least one bad accident that tied up the highway for hours.  The usual 5 hour trip lasted 9 hours, but they arrived safe and sound and had a great time with friends and family.

Christmas in Colombia
Christmas is a big deal in Colombia.  It falls at the end of the school year so there is plenty of opportunity for celebration by kids and adults alike.  The season starts off with the celebration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary on December 8th.  But, just like Christmas, the eve of the feast day is the big celebration here.  It is known as “La Noche De Las Velitas” (The night of the candles) and is celebrated by a huge percentage of the population.  People set out in front of their houses and light candles which they typically place in elaborate paper lanterns on the sidewalk or even in the street. Kids run around with sparklers and families indulge in special treats. 

Advent – Colombian Style
On December 16th they start the “Novenas”. Each evening the family gathers around the manger scene and recites Roman Catholic prayers which they know by rote.  Often families will take turns hosting the nightly events which start on the 16th and go through the 24th.  They will usually include special treats and sometimes even small gifts for the children.

Christmas Eve – Colombian Style
The 24th is the Big Celebration as they gather for a midnight dinner.  At the stroke of midnight there is often a mass lighting of fireworks (which are illegal in most large cities – but omnipresent anyway) and the children open their gifts which are brought by “El Niño Dios” (The Child God).

Our Version
We were invited to celebrate with one family and were able to share with some of them about the “First Noel” according to God’s Word and planted some gospel seeds.  On the 24th we invited those in the church and from our other ministries who do not have family in the area to come to our place for an evening of snacks and table games.  We roasted a turkey for sandwiches and provided other snacks as well.  10 people joined us plus we sent some food to our neighbors who were both ill and unable to attend.  We took time to thank our  heavenly Father for the Gift He gave to mankind so many years ago.

New Year’s Eve – Colombian Style
New Year’s Eve is another big event for Colombians.  Once more they gather with family and friends and indulge in all kinds of rituals to provide good fortune for the coming year.  From wearing the right color of underwear to eating 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight to dragging a suitcase around the block and burning incense in the home, many Colombians seek blessings for the new year – while forgetting to seek the Author of Life in first place.

Our Version
Once more we extended the invitation to gather at our place for snacks and board games.  This time we had twenty people join us, including our neighbors who had been unable to join us the previous week.  We fired up the grill and roasted the meat that different people provided along with roasting some ripe plantains as well.  There were different snacks, Paul’s “world famous” dips and Sheri’s “world famous” grape punch as well. We engaged in various board games and enjoyed each others company. Just prior to midnight we took time to thank God for the blessings received (including the struggles and difficulties) during 2016 and to ask for His blessing in the coming year, concluding our prayer as fireworks (still forbidden, yet even more present than the week before) crackled and roared around the city.  Following this some people started heading home while others lingered for more fellowship for quite a while longer.  We were grateful that the weekly gathering of the Church had been scheduled to start an hour later to allow us some measure of rest!

2016 was a real blessing to us in many ways.  We are humbled by your generous and faithful support of the work that Christ is doing through us here in Pereira.  We continually see new ways in which Christ is working in different people’s lives as we share the Gospel of His Grace with them.  We are seeing seeds planted years ago still producing fruit and for this we praise God and thank Him for working through you to allow us to continue ministry here in Colombia.  May 2017 be a year of great blessing in your own life and ministry as you continue to serve Christ in your corner of His great harvest field.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland

--   South American Christian Mission "... to prepare the saints..." Ephesians 4:12