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Great Joy and Privilege

Sergei Golovin, Regional Director of GNPI-Eurasia


I am just one voice of the ministry. I share the fruit of a wonderful cohort of workers and volunteers who develop resources, produce media, provide technical support, monitor social networks, and provide various kinds of help and service. Some of them are scattered as displaced people in the cities and villages of central and western Ukraine. Some stay under the radar in occupied territories. Some emigrate, yet we are one family…  READ MORE

A Great Opportunity

Manee Massey, Regional Director of GNPI-Damoh, India


Our Christmas program is 24 minutes long with two music videos and a Message about Jesus. The program will be broadcast on Sony TV, one of the top channels in India, to over 40 million viewers on the morning of December 24. This program is also going to be in Punjabi and will be broadcast on Punjabi National TV in India. Please pray for this great opportunity in our country where we can freely share the Gospel with the masses without any restriction.


Media Strategies Matter

Mike Schrage


Content alone used to be king; it was all about the message. This is changing. With today’s technology, media methodology and delivery timing are also critical. Today, the message and the media strategy matter! As an illustration, President-elect Donald Trump was chosen as Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.” Why? It’s due to his disruption of the normal political process…



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