Serving the people of Poland since 1954
Polish Christian Ministries
January 2017

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made
HIS light shine in our hearts to give us the light
 of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ
II Corinthians 4:6

Happy 2017! 
May each of you have a blessed new year!
Rada Krajowa 
    The Polish National Council of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ

Three new council members were added to Rada Krakowa during the pastors’ conference this past October in Zakosciele. Please pray for Zbigniew Tarkowski from Warsaw, Rafal Piekarski from Tomaszow Mazowiecki, and Andrzej Hara from Grudziadz as they join Andrzej Bajenski and the rest of the council in leading and serving the Christian churches and their pastors.
Thank You
We thank God for the West Waynesboro Church of Christ in Waynesboro, VA. They have faithfully partnered with Polish Christian Ministries since its early days of reaching out to the nation of Poland. 
Please pray for David and Sandy as they travel to Poland on the 3rd of this month. They will be leading a Lighthouse team from Taylor University in an English-language outreach in the public schools in Sandomierz, Poland.  
David will also be meeting with the church leaders in three Polish cities. These sessions will focus on ministry accountability, financial responsibility, and vision casting for the local church.
January 21-22 Sosnowiec
January 28-29 Plock
February 10-11 Katowice
David and Sandy will return to the US on February 13th. If your church is interested in having them come to your congregation in 2017, please contact David at his new email address ( or call him at 810-923-0226.
                     Poland Bound 2017
Dates                            Focus                              Destination                         
1/3-26              Teaching English                       Sandomierz      
5/31-6/11        Leadership development          NW Poland              
6/9-22              Holocaust survivors                  Ostroda           
6/21-7/2          Ukrainian children camp          Ostroda 
6/30-7/9          Church planting initiative        Warsaw                 
6/30-7/10        English classes/outreach         Ciechanow
7/7-16              Building construction               Biala Podlaska
                          Finish youth center                  Bielsk Podlaski
                          Building construction               Sosnowiec
7/19-8/1          IsraCamp                                  Ostroda     
9/29-10/7        Building renovation                  Olszytn 
See PCM’s website for details in the “Minister With Us” section. 
PCM’s short-term trip manual is available upon request.

All donations to Polish Christian Ministries should be sent to our new address:

1212 Schucks Rd., Bel Air, MD 21015

Donations may also be made via our website: www.pcmusa.orgClick on: Ways to Give.

Shop Amazon AND support PCM, too!
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226
New email address for Dave is:


Polish Christian Ministries | 410.688.3294 | pcm(at) |