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An Amazing Help

Joshua V., Christian Worker in India


Our network of 450 churches shares five Solar Kits. Each week we set aside one day for film ministry in the villages. The Solar Kit saves us so much time and effort. It is hard to communicate the Message to the tribal people of India unless you visualize it. Visualization greatly increases the level of understanding for the audience. It makes a huge impact when people see video clips…READ MORE

The Incredible Ukrainian Tour


Nomad Coordinator Mark Allen and Regional Director Sergei Golovin of GNPI-Eurasia visited Kharkiv in northern Ukraine for their second training. Be sure to watch what what happened during their first stop in Mark Allen Visits Kiev.


Five Reasons

Mike Schrage


We officially launched

The GNPI App at the International Conference on Missions (ICOM). Here are five reasons it brings value to your experience

with GNPI: #5 You can almost effortlessly pass on what God is doing through GNPI with…



Did you have an income windfall this year?
Contact us to learn how a donor advised fund might save you thousands in taxes. (Learn More)

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