Sheffler Update

December 2016


Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters




ANNUAL 2016 CONFERENCE: The annual conference for the Christian Churches in eastern Nigeria was held at Calabar on November 11-13. The theme was “The Church Family.” It was well attended in spite of the economic struggles in Nigeria. They studied five important purposes for the Church. The dynamics of spiritual growth through small groups was emphasized and embraced. Many rededicated their life to serve God through the church. 

GRADUATION CEREMONY: Twelve TEE students completed their extension courses and received Certificates. Five College students received diplomas in Pastoral Ministry and one received a Master of Arts in Theology. The Cross River Bible College is affiliated with GLOTES Seminary in Aba, Nigeria and Live School in South Africa.

NURSERY/PRIMARY SCHOOL PROJECT:The Rochester Christian Church in Rochester, IL raised $15,050 for this project through their annual Thanksgiving Offering. Others supporters have also sent special gifts for the project. About $34,500 is still needed to complete this project. However, construction work on the project will soon begin using the funds that have already been donated.

TEE SUPERVISOR FOR NORTHERN GHANA – UPDATE: Special gifts are coming in for the project to place a Supervisor for TEE in Tamale in northern Ghana. We have funds to purchase a lot for future construction of a house and office. The lot will be purchased soon. We have funds to rent a house for the family of the Supervisor for one year. We need funds to purchase a 4X4 pickup for the Supervisor. We have a good candidate for this work and are working with other Christian Church missions to find a replacement for him so that he can devote his time to the leadership development classes in northern Ghana. Austin Ganyo, Field Director of Training Tomorrows Leaders, is stationed in Tamale and is helping with the arrangements. We thank God for this cooperative effort to build the Kingdom in Northern Ghana. 


1. Thank God for the $15,050 raised for the Nursery/Primary project in Nigeria.

2. Thank God for the donations toward the project of putting a TEE supervisor in Northern Ghana.

3. Thank God for the successful teaching conference in Nigeria last month.

4. Thank God for the graduates in Nigeria who received certificates for TEE courses, diplomas in Pastoral Ministry and a Master of Arts in Theology. 

5. Thank God for the peaceful and successful elections in Ghana.

6. Pray that God will provide the funds for our two projects for 2017: TEE Supervisor for northern Ghana and a nursery/primary school in Calabar, Nigeria. 

7. Pray that God will work out the details for a qualified man to supervise the TEE classes in northern Ghana. 

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