Five questions with Kylie Kastens

Young team member shares what you need to know about MOHI!

Kylie Kastens’ meeting with Missions of Hope International (MOHI) director Mary Kamau at Kylie’s home church while she was a high school student set her on the path that led to where she is today: a CMF team member serving in the Spiritual Development division at the Nairobi, Kenya ministry.

Kylie visited the CMF home office in Indianapolis recently and answered a few questions about her life and work in the sprawling MOHI ministry in Nairobi.

Q #1: What was the defining moment that led to your decision to commit to cross-cultural service in Africa?

Kylie: My home church, Mountain Christian (Joppa, Md.), did a CMF child sponsorship event when I was in high school and I met the Kamaus. The church had set up a model shanty to depict a slum house, and the walls were covered with child sponsorship cards. I was intrigued, and Mary invited me to come to Nairobi to see it for myself. I went as a REACH intern during college, and once I was there, I knew I’d be back for longer.

Q #2: What do you do at MOHI?  

Kylie: I work in the Spiritual Development division, which means I plan and organize the devotions for all the school kids and MOHI staff. This year we used “The Story,” and it was a big success, especially with the staff, many of whom are sometimes indifferent to the devotions. I also work with the many short-term teams that come to Nairobi to lead VBS programs in the schools. 

Q #3: What do you like about living in Nairobi?

Kylie: I love the city, and I’m fine with sitting in the traffic that everyone talks about! This is a place where my interests and gifts meet: I studied Bible in college (at Milligan College) and I like city life. I feel equipped to do what I do, and I can’t see what else I would be doing at this point in my life.

Q #4: What’s the most important thing we should know about you and why you serve?

Kylie: MOHI has 800 staff members working in “the trenches” — out in the community — every day: teachers, social workers, business development officers and general staff. I want to make sure they are cared for spiritually and avoid burnout, so they can stay as long as possible. 

Q #5: What’s the most important thing you want people to know about MOHI?

Kylie: I want child sponsors to know that the spiritual component is a big part of their sponsorship of MOHI kids. We do so many things to help them grow spiritually; it’s not just about getting an education and meals. We have morning devotions every day and a mentorship program (with lunch) every Saturday. Every class has at least one VBS program every year, and we often hold Weekend Challenges with speakers and special sessions. In addition, the kids who attend non-MOHI high schools have regular Bible studies with Outreach Hope pastors. There is definitely a plan to the children’s spiritual development!


Preparing to Launch!

Seven new CMF team members were in the Indianapolis home office this week for our Launch program that will help them begin their journeys as missionaries. Pictured in back, from left: Rebecca Seasholtz, Jeff Meister, C.J. Smerdel and Becca Fielding. Middle from left: Megan Meister and Abigail Bullinger. In front: Rustin Hamann. 

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