Travelin’ Miles:  Gloom to Glory!
December 2016

Gloom to GLORY!

Dear Family and Friends,

This Holiday Season as we celebrate the birth of Christ here in the US, the Aruamu people of Papua New Guinea have more of the Old Testament  than they have ever had in history.  Several of them have expressed to me their delight in understanding the miracles of the OT prophecies which were fulfilled in the coming of Christ to this earth.  The darkness and gloom of mankind separated from the God of Heaven was dispelled by the light of his glory in the coming of Christ.  Aruamu people are celebrating this Christmas in the tropical rainforest of Papua New Guinea, more fully aware of the GLORY of God, revealed in his Son! 

The Aruamu translation of Isaiah 9:2 (which was consultant checked and approved for publication this year) reads like this:

“The people who were walking around in the darkness of bad customs, now have seen a big light. They were continuing sitting in a dark place and doing for the purpose of dying, but now the dawn has broken and light has shined on them.”  Isaiah 9:2  (Aruamu language, Papua New Guinea — Backtranslation into English)

Aruamus now can read in their own language the Old Testament texts that prophecy that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14), born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:1-2),  come from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10),  be a decendant of King David (Jer 23:5). 

Before our translation team worked on Old Testament, this awesome side to the Christmas Story was not evident to them.  Now it is!  They now have many OT books at their fingertips.  By the year 2020, they will have the entire Bible, God willing!

Thank you so much for your part in bringing these darkness-dispelling truths to the Aruamu people in their own mother tongue!  May God bless you richly as you celebrate the GLORIOUS coming of His Son this Christmas.

For His Glory,
Marsha Relyea Miles
(for Nathan, and the Aruamu Translation Team)



Praise God that the final consultant checks on the Aruamu books of Lamentations, and Jeremiah 1-25 have just been completed this last week by Jill Riepe and a team of 4 Aruamus.

Pray for Marsha. She will leave Dallas on December 29 for Papua New Guinea and meet with the entire Aruamu Translation Team to pray and plan together regarding 2017 goals.  On January 9, Steven Dazim, Siria Ransford and Marsha will travel to India to participate in the World Convention.  On January 16 they will travel to Dallas, TX.  Steven, Siria and Marsha will be checking Aruamu OT books for 6 months in Dallas.

Please pray for Marsha’s father, Charles King.  His health has been in decline.  He is staying with her brother and sister-in-law Dan and Debra King in Atlanta, where several of our family members are involved in his care.  Marsha hopes to go see him soon.



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Checks may be made out to:
Pioneer Bible Translators, P.O. Box 420335 Atlanta, GA 30342-0335
(Marsha’s Cell: 214-205-7060)

Aruamu Friends!
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