You can make a difference – for the people of Vanuatu, our family, and eternity. God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
Even though we are heading into “summer” on our side of the world, I’m very aware that the holidays are coming up. Last year I think the weather threw me off — all of a sudden it was Thanksgiving – we sweated for another month – and then it was Christmas!

This year I have been in the mood for Christmas since the beginning of October! Matt thought it was too early to break out the Michael Buble Christmas songs, but not me. I want to savor the holidays for as long as I can this year. I want to decorate the house, make ornaments, drink hot chocolate (even if I’m sweating!), cook a gourd that looks pumpkinish and make something sweet out of it, plan ahead enough so each of the kids get a real present from us, and weave Jesus into every good moment.

I want to savor this holiday season because I can already feel that it might be harder on me this year. It is our second go-around of missing out on all the special get togethers, sweaters and scarves, twinkling lights, festive music, and snow. I really want some snow. No candlelight service, no houses trimmed with lights, no driving 8 hours to be with family.

If the holidays are hard on you, I’d love for you to send me an e-mail and let me know how to pray for you or how you’ve learned to deal with it. We can help each other find joy and peace this season.

Angie (for Matt and the kids, too) 



Sunday School Spotlight


Top: These nine children memorized all 10 memory verses this fall! They each got a ribbon with 10 beads on it to signify each verse they memorized. We are so proud of them.

Bottom Left: We also had a party to celebrate! These boys always make me smile. We had nandau (fruit), cookies, lollies, silver dollar pancakes, and cordial to drink.

Bottom Right: Every child got a pencil. This was me getting swarmed when they made the announcement! lol

Our friends at Global Recording Network set up a makeshift studio in a teammates’ house to record Genesis 1:1-12:9 in all four languages this module. We are hopeful that the recordings will be ready for Pastor Vusi and Matt to take them when they go on their trek to Pentecost and Ambae in January to raise awareness for the translation program.
“Despite all our differences, we are one working together.”   

Pastor Vusi at the closing of the October VISTA module.

This is so true. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, but we still have a lot of differences. We come from different cultures, we speak different languages, we have different perspectives. But through all of that, we are working together.

Every VISTA session brings together:
14 translators from 4 languages groups on 2 islands
+ 4 cooks from 4 different denominations
+ up to 5 teachers from Team Vanuatu
+ 3 or more Team Vanuatu support personnel to keep the whole thing running
+ consultants, partner organizations, teammates from the U.S.
+ 1 amazing Principal (Pastor Vusi)
+ hundreds of family, friends, and churches holding us up in prayer!

That is a lot of people working together!

It is only through our unity in Christ that we have now completed year two of the VISTA program and we are definitely praising God for it! It hasn’t been easy. The October module was the first time that a parent or child of someone in the program (national or PBT missionary) has not died. Every module is a lesson in perseverance and patience as we try to get all of the translators here at the same time. Each month-long session brings with it new challenges like recording Scripture with chickens crowing outside the window or translating passages that talk about idols and magic when people in your village practice those things.

We are so proud of the hard work the translators have put into translating parts of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the whole book of Jonah in their languages for the first time. They also finished their course in Hebrew! Considering there are hardly any written materials in their languages and many speakers of these languages have never even seen it written, this is a huge accomplishment.

Thank you for working together with us!

Prayer Points

~ Our budget for 2017 has increased by $400 per month. This is due to a rise in our insurance premiums and buying plane tickets to return to the U.S. next October. Please pray with us that God will raise up additional support for our ministry.

~ Praise God that the translators, our team, and our family were all pretty healthy overall during the last module. This is such a blessing!

Copyright © 2016 Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.