Everything I Needed To Know About Prayer, I Learned From A Five Year Old


“Prayerfulness sees no denominational divide, no theological grey area, no intellectual superiority. Those devoted to prayerfulness see the heart of God, see His character, see the beautiful sacrifice of His Son above all else.”
-Clayton Elliott

Have you ever heard a 5 year old pray? Last time I checked they don’t use phrases like, “Our blessed Father and our God, we humbly beseech thee by thy good and glorious mercy.” They come to the Lord the only way they know how, with the wonder and innocence of a five year old. They embody true meekness because they understand how small and often how weak they still are. The world captivates them. They still see things with amazement and a fresh perspective. This is what allows them to pray so freely. They have no use for Baptist or Methodist lines. No use for arguing free will vs. predestination. No use for words like “immutability” and “perspicuity (I still sometimes have to look these up, and I went through years of schooling for them)!” Instead, young children go to the Lord with beautiful, simple thoughts…simple words…simple ideas…simple explanations…INNOCENCE. Ooooooooh, how freeing this must be!!!

So, as adults, why don’t we follow THEIR example? Have we been tarnished so severely by the cares of this world that we fail to enjoy being in God’s presence. We’re all familiar with this concept; I’m stating nothing new. In fact, Jesus himself said something very similar in Mark 10, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

What is it that detours you from simply seeing God’s heart when you come to Him in prayer? The clearest answer would be…sin. Sin causes us to distance ourselves from God due to guilt, shame, feelings of inadequacy, pride…etc. But here’s the BEST news of our lives; the more we pray and focus on the things of God, the more we find purpose and lasting joy. In fact, the more time we spend enjoying and being in God’s presence, the more sin gets weeded out of our lives. Do you know that you’re forgiven? Do you know that His mercies are new each and every morning? Do you realize that the God of the Universe that spoke all things into existence desires for you to come to Him as a little child, sit in His lap, and rest in the safety of His loving care? STOP complicating things! Enjoy the beauty and simplicity of the gospel through your life of prayer. Enjoy being able to sit in Jesus’ lap and rest in His righteousness. Go to the Lord with the innocence of a child and be filled my friends!

Prayer for Today

Abba, thank You that I can come to You unashamed and with no strings attached. Thank You for the freedom I have in Christ. I ask that You remind me today of how beautiful and, in many ways, simple the Good News of the gospel is. I ask that You give me childlike faith today. Allow me to rest in Jesus’ lap and find comfort there throughout the day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA