Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong


Praise the Lord for:

  • Gods presence and guidance during our six-week mission trip in China and Hong Kong.
  • Sixteen people have committed their lives to the Lord and were baptized into Christ.
  • The success of our IBCC camp in China and the NOMAD training camp in Hong Kong.
  • The progress of the new church building in Jiangzhou.
  • The Lords protection when the typhoon hit Hong Kong.
  • The marvelous work that the Kansas team and Good News Productions, International team did in the name of the Lord and the impact they will have on our Christians in China.
  • Gods wonderful provision through our supporters and GNPI that made these ministries possible.

Pray to the Lord for:

  • The nurturing and growth of the new babes in Christ.
  • The six NOMAD teams that GNPI trained in Hong Kong that they will continue to develop their skills and produce effective videos for outreach and discipleship in China.
  • The churches in Jiangxi who are facing a crisis from within. A small group of church leaders are influenced by a couple of outsiders to go after our church property and split the church.
  • Gods protection and provision for my family as we are facing an unexpected challenge.
  • Our book projects may be done on time.
  • Stacy and Fangfangs visa applications for coming to study at Boise Bible College.
  • Our preparations for Christmas outreach in Manchester NH.





Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • Please pray for enough volunteers who will prepare for our Christmas program. Many of our members will be gone during Christmas this year. Pray this years program will be a great opportunity for effective outreach.
  • Pray for Esther Wang, the worship leader for our church, who suffers from Sciatica pain. Please pray for her healing and ease of pain.
  • Our childrens ministry needs more teachers and volunteers. Please pray that the congregation will respond to this need.
  • Pray for Andrew Fross ministry as he builds relationships with Chinese college students and shares the Gospel of Jesus. Pray that community and trust can continue being built to facilitate disciple-making.
  • Please pray for our youth as they finish their Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Pray that this effort will encourage both the youth and their friends to see the importance of sharing the Gospel.
  • Pray for Gods vision for our ministry in 2017.




New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Pray that more people will join our current home Bible study group as we emphasize stretching the prayer life of our church community and the opening of our homes where more people can hear the Gospel of Jesus.
  • Please pray for physical healing and spiritual growth of a local Cambodian/Chinese woman who broke her hip and some ribs. Pray that God will reveal His work in her life so that other family members will come to know the Lord and grow in faith.
  • Pray for our group to spread the Good News to the Khmer people in our community.
  • Pray for all our members to have a passion to worship and to display God’s love to those who visit our gatherings.
  • Please pray for our leadership to stand strong together in their faith and effective evangelism



New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • As our meeting place at Trinity Life Community undergoes renovation, pray that God will use this enhanced and expanded space to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Please continue to pray to strengthen the faith of the Yong Lee family as they grow their company. More workers are needed to lighten the load for Mr. Lee and his family. 
  • Please pray for the spouses of our members who have not made a decision to follow the Lord, that they will receive the Gospel and join our faith community.
  • Please pray for Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim. Hanna will undergo surgery in December to facilitate having children. Please pray for the Lords guidance, His peace, and His hand to be at work in them during this time.
  • Pray for our Young Adult Bible Study group and our other outreach efforts. Pray that we will be able to serve better together in our church and local communities.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister Andrew Fross and his ministry with our young people. Pray for our Youth Group as they reach out to their friends both at school and after-school activities.
  • Please pray for Dr. Seong Bok Lee as he studies at Harvard University. He hopes to influence people in higher education for Christ and to secure a better job to provide for his family. 
  • Please pray that God will use our Compassion Ministry support (8 children so far) to grow the faith of our members as well as meeting the needs of the children.
  • Pray for Mr. Moon to depend upon the Holy Spirit as he works to communicate Gods Word. Pray for his leadership with our church as we look for ways to take the Gospel to the families in our communities.



Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie- Providence, RI

  • Please pray for spiritual and numerical growth for our church.
  • Pray for members excitement over and commitment to our scheduled outreach events.
  • Pray that the youth, women, and mens ministries will be effective in their impact within their neighborhoods.
  • Please pray for us as we preach the Gospel and that lives will be transformed.




Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
